The not NY Post

So like I said, I didn’t post last week, just didn’t have much to say and we were busy getting ready for the trip. Not a lot happened out side of trip preparation, so I’ll just touch the few highlights.

First off I got sick as soon as we got home from NY Tuesday night. I was up all night sick to my stomach in a way I have not been sick in probably decades. Tested negative for covid, just to be sure, but after a night of that I was so weak and tired. The puking part was over by early AM, and I still “went” to work because I knew I was going to have SO much to do after being gone for a week and it was torture, my stomach hurt SO bad, there was so much work to do. Thankfully by about mid day the stomach cramping finally stopped and I was able to hold down some crackers. After work I slept hard. When I woke up, had a few more crackers and decided I felt ok enough to go to Ash’s birthday dinner. I just didn’t eat, I wasn’t quite to the point of eating more than a cracker yet. I did have a few chips and that was too much.

I did get to hang out with Ripley though!

Got home around 8:30 and I went straight to bed and slept HARD the entire night until my work alarm went off this morning. I woke up feeling GREAT, but once I got up and moving around I realized I was still not 100%. Still weak and my stomach still doesn’t want food. Tried to eat a little breakfast but only made it through a few bites before I realized I was in the danger zone and stopped. I think worst of all is that I now have a migraine on top of it, but since I can’t eat my medicine isn’t working. Bummer.

Anyway, here’s hoping I’m feeling better before Christmas stuff.

And now for the Christmas card stuff I was keeping secret last post…

We went to get our pic with Santa as Nadja, Lazslo and Colin. A couple of days before I thought “what if we put kevin in a bald cap and had him be Colin?” So we ordered a bald cap and ta da LOL

he was SO cracking us up in this.

And then when we got the photo, the way he was leaning absolutely killed us, we could not stop laughing.

And the alternate taken with our phone:

Our Christmas card finally starting hitting boxes earlier this week so I’m finally sharing it LOL

In less exciting news, we had some tree work done and one of the trees they said needed to go was my sewing room window tree 🙁

They said it was too close to the foundation.


We went to a toy show weekend before last and I got this gorgeous Wanda for only $10 because she had a repair on her neck.

Other than that, we’ve been doing photoshoots – I still don’t have everything we’ve shot uploaded, but once I do I’ll make a separate post + the 2023 wrap up post. Planning to do more over the next week while we’re off work, if I’m feeling better. At the moment the thought of getting into costume is like the thought of climbing mt everest.

So I’ll be back in a few days with costume pics and the usual.