what a mess

Well, the good news - Indy got a check up and she is 100% fine. I'm so relieved. What a massive stress off of me. I guess it was the perfect storm of her schedule being off, new food, stealing cat food, and Chase and I being closed up in our individual work rooms (which we don't usually do, but needed to keep the kitten out). Anyway, yesterday I finished altering ...

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work, work, work

Yesterday got home and did some little things - ironed Peggy again, put the insoles in my Anne shoes, fix the hook and eye on my corset, put the hand loop on my Anne skirt, finished altering my Peggy shirt, etc. Got started on the "bark" of my Johanna shirt. Which basically means I stood there with my arm out while Chase glued stuff to me. And no it's not ...

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A sort-of schedule

So, here is an attempt at a Dragoncon Schedule. Wednesday: Evening - Johanna, for a photoshoot. I will not be wearing this "on the floor" that night. Hoping to go take some shots on the 10th floor (and the elevators before they get too crowded). If anybody else is already in and has a Hunger Games costume and wants to join me, please do! Chase'll be taking photos. Thursday: No ...

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Weekend and ruffles

Indy's been sick all weekend. Drinking a lot of water and peeing way more than usual. She's had several accidents, just since late last week. At first thought she was just off her "schedule" after she got sick to her stomach weekend before last, because that's happened several times before - but now not sure. Hoping it's just a bladder infection of some sort. I'm making myself sick over it. ...

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Ruffles ruffles ruffles

I have this great Johanna gif that I have not gotten an opportunity to use so I'm just going to use it everytime I make a post about my costume. I got the chiffon overskirt cut and sewn together, and pinned in place. I'm going to have to handsew it in place before trying to machine sew it. Then, onto ruffles. so many ruffles... I got a good many made ...

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I took some "mostly finished" pics of Anne on the dressform at lunch. As I was messing with it brought to mind the handful of things I still need to do. -Reposition hook-and-eye on corset -Test fit of back panel with it all on - maybe replace hook-and-eyes with snaps? -fray check the zipper interior -Sew ribbon onto bottom hem so I can loop it around my wrist and carry ...

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Can it just be time for Dragoncon yet? Tuesday night I got nothing done. Headache was so bad I just laid on the couch and slept until I got up and went to bed. Last night back on the horse, dyed my Donna wig slightly darker, worked on Johanna. Got the top section totally finished - yay! So now I can start on the bottom section. I didn't take any ...

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I finished my Johanna wig last night. Then I played with paint on my leather strips, and then I worked on the upper section of the dress. But I didn't take pictures of any of that. I did get up early this morning and cut out some ruffles, gathered them, and pinned them onto one of my insert pieces to see how they were looking. I'm pleased with how fast ...

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This weekend

Went to Mema's. Slept, ate, did a fat lot of nothing mostly. And this 2 weeks before dragoncon! But we came home early yesterday (with a sick puppy in tow. I think she over-indulged this weekend and made herself sick. she's still not feeling well.) and I dug in. I mostly finished Fires of Pompeii Donna. It took approximately 2 and 1/4 MST3K episodes. I need to go back and reinforce the ...

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Dragoncon round-up

Where I'm at Anne Boleyn: Mostly done. Chase is working on the crown. Finished the jewelry last night. Need to try it on once more and make sure the back panel is sitting correctly, and readjust the buttons that aren't sitting right. And get some insoles for my shoes. Peggy: I need to curl the wig again, but otherwise very happy with it. Still need to finish the belt. Noticed ...

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