A sort-of schedule

So, here is an attempt at a Dragoncon Schedule.

Evening – Johanna, for a photoshoot. I will not be wearing this “on the floor” that night. Hoping to go take some shots on the 10th floor (and the elevators before they get too crowded). If anybody else is already in and has a Hunger Games costume and wants to join me, please do! Chase’ll be taking photos.

No clue. I’ll probably wear 2 costumes this evening/late night but not sure what. Thinking about Marie Antoinette or Meg.

Morning: Donna Noble, Fires of Pompeii
Noon-3-ish – Anne Boleyn for the Vintage Vogue Fashion Show.
Afternoon/Evening: Surprise Costume
9-Midnight – Dr Forrester

Morning: Peggy OR Marie Antoinette. I haven’t decided whether I’m doing the parade or not – I may sit out this year. If I’m in the parade, I’ll be wearing Marie Antoinette with the Doctor Who group. If I’m not, I’ll be wearing Peggy, and then I’ll be at the USO Girls/WWII group at 12:30.
Afternoon: Either Johanna again, or Marie Antoinette. Not sure.
8pm-10pm: Shadowcat, with 80s X-Men group.
Late night: Emma Frost

Morning: Marie Antoinette (if I haven’t worn it yet otherwise) or Romana or Belle.
Mid-day: Whichever one of those I didn’t wear earlier.
3-5: Peggy for the Marvel photoshoot
Evening/late Night: Probably re-wearing something.

Donna Fires of Pompeii.