Working, or not… Batgirl stuff

So I don't have a lot to show right now. I've been on some meds than been irritating my stomach really bad, to the point it's hard to do much of anything except lay on the couch and rub my stomach. Today is my last day on the medicine, though, so hopefully it'll be better soon. I did get Cath's outer dress done for her Winnie costume, did my test ...

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Costume Progress and a Giant Photo of a Book

So, haven't had much to post lately. I finished up the main part of Ash's Mary costume, I'm quite happy with how it turned out. We just need to get her shirt fabric, and making the shirt won't take long. Hem her skirt and weather it all and we're good to go and I can mark another one off my list. I did get a good start on Cath's Winnie ...

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I am ensconced in velvet

I have been lost in a haze of velvet and iron-on stabilizer the past two weeks, so I'm sorry for the lack of updates. I'm going to be taking some pics and posting them this weekend, both here and facebook, I promise! In other news, I nabbed some taffeta at Joann's for super cheap. Was going to use a 50% off coupon but then it was on clearance, for more the ...

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Random costume notes

Not a lot to mention recently. I posted on my main page that I got my Batgirl mask! I'm so excited about it. I'm doing the new 52 version, mostly because I like the purple cape. I've only barely started planning it; I've ordered some swatches for the suit and I'm going to start patterning it soon. I got my Romana wig in the mail! I'm pretty happy with it. It's ...

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Supergirl and Batgirl

We took some Supergirl photos back in February but I'm just now getting around to posting them. I've added a couple to my Supergirl page, here's the rest on smugmug: I also got my Batgirl mask today! Planning on having it done for Dragoncon; I haven't done anything else on it yet!

2011 Costume Wrap-up

It's that time of the year! Beginning of this year these were my plans: Enchantress - done! Alternate Wonder Woman - aka Hippolyta - done! Lady Blackhawk - done! Rogue - done! Marie Antoinette - done! Charlotte (Princess & the Frog) - no :( Ms Marvel red suit/Moonstone - done! Disney character - no :( TV character - no :( That's probably the best I've ever done actually doing what I said ...

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Jane and Batgirl updates

So I'm building a new corset, and it's different than any one I've ever made. For one, I've never made a corset with an open front - I had no idea how to do that, and I had to read the instructions 20 times to understand it. But I successfully got the hoop side in - I'm so proud! I finally got the mythical shoes for this costume from Target. The ...

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2009 Year in Review!

what I finished, what I didn't get to, and 2010... Here's what I said at the end of 2008 that I'd like to do in 09... 1. Finish all those things I said I was going to finish this year, esp. Bespin Leia - HA! nope. 2. Silk Spectre I - yes! 3. Golden Age Black Canary - yes 4. Belle's Ballgown Remake - still no, waiting on Chase to finish Beast. 5. Princess Nuala - nope 6. Dawn ...

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