Working, or not… Batgirl stuff

So I don’t have a lot to show right now. I’ve been on some meds than been irritating my stomach really bad, to the point it’s hard to do much of anything except lay on the couch and rub my stomach. Today is my last day on the medicine, though, so hopefully it’ll be better soon.
I did get Cath’s outer dress done for her Winnie costume, did my test dying last night and hopefully dying the real thing tonight. Still got her under-dress to make. I started on Batgirl, too – got it all patterned up and started on the legs, since I don’t have all the fabric I need for the top section yet. I figure I can work my way up. It’s been a hassle, though – I’m on my second set of legs, the first pair didn’t fit right. I also should have just bought ribbed fabric instead of making my own. Blah.

Anyway, what I did for Batgirl was take this old suit I had and draw my pattern lines on it:

Since there were so many pieces to figure out on this Batgirl suit, I took an old bodysuit I had never used for anything, put it on my mannequin, and drew out the seam lines. I cut these out, and used them to create newsprint pattern | My Facebook Page | Tumblr  | Instagram

Then I traced those pieces onto paper and used them as my pattern pieces. It was a ton of tiny pattern pieces floating around 😛