Dragoncon meme

Yes another one. Because sitting at work freaking out over how much work I have to do at home means I need something to distract me. This meme came from darkfirewolfe!

9 Days To Go: A pic of your first DragonCon and what you remember most from that year
8 Days To Go: A pic of you at your most recent DragonCon and what you remember most from that year
7 Days To Go: The coolest thing you ever bought at DragonCon
6 Days To Go: The guest you were most excited about from a previous year
5 Days To Go: One of your best memories from DragonCon
4 Days To Go: Something you are really excited about this year
3 Days To Go: Something you recommend everyone pack
2 Days To Go: Your costumes for this year (if no costumes, outfits)
1 Day To Go: Pic of the state of your packing/progress
Thursday of DragonCon: Badge Line Pic (or what you were doing on Thursday if not at DragonCon yet)
Friday of DragonCon: A pic of you in FULL ON DRAGONCON (or what you were doing Friday Pic if not at DragonCon yet)
Saturday of DragonCon: A group pic of your roommates/cosplay partners/buddies and you
Sunday of DragonCon: What 2am at DragonCon looks like to you
Monday of DragonCon: A pic of your Monday exodus from DragonCon
Day After: A pic that sums up DragonCon
2 Days After: Something that helps you recover from DragonCon or from post-con depression
3 Days After: Your favorite guest from this year
4 Days After: Somewhere you liked to eat while at DragonCon
5 Days After: The costume you most squeed over from this year
6 Days After: Your favorite t-shirt you saw at Dragoncon
7 Days After: Best moment of DragonCon from this year
8 Days After: What you are most looking forward to next year (or at the next con)
9 Days After: Your favorite pic you took & Your favorite pic taken by someone else

So, today….
9 Days To Go: A pic of your first DragonCon and what you remember most from that year

Dragoncon 2002!

Me & ash get our pics with Mike Nelson and Kevin Murphy of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Out of all the years I've been going to cons and Dragoncon in particular, this is still the "celeb encounter" I'm most proud of.

I’ve talked a lot about old Dragoncon stories recently, so I’ll avoid repeating those. Instead, I’ll post that the whole reason I wanted to go that year was because of the MST3K guests. I rarely got excited about guests, even if my earliest con days, but those I was super excited for.
Monday morning, I think it was – we went to their panel and then followed them back over to the Walk of Fame (back when it was in the bottom of the Marriott, sharing space with the dealer’s room) and hopped in line to get Mike and Kevin’s autographs. For whatever reason, I wasn’t sure if we had available film in the camera. I was freaking out about it. I didn’t want to get up there and ask for a photo and then not have it because I couldn’t tell if there was still room for the photo. So, I popped open the back of the camera to check, exposing and ruining the photos we had on it, and put in a brand new roll just so I could be sure to have this photo above.

Not really a problem most people have at cons anymore LOL

Ash and I got the last of their MST3k post-it notes, which they signed for us. Dad told them to “Watch out for snakes.”

This year, I’m going to attempt to get some more MST3K autographs, for the first time since 2002 – I’ll have my new Tom Servo with me and I want to get autographs on that!