A meme

because it's been a loooooooooooooong day and I'm bored. Name 4 cosplays you've done: I'm going to try to name as many costumes as possible while only using 4 names. 1. Princess Leia (19) 2. Padme (11) 3. Belle (9) 4. Donna Noble (6) Got 45 costumes just out of those 4 names LOL God that sounds obsessive. Name 4 dream cosplays you want to do one day: 1. Another Queen Amidala 2. Revamped She-Ra 3. a Downton Abbey costume. started one a couple of years ...

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a stupid meme

This is a meme where you ask your husband/boyfriend these questions with no explanation. I'm doing it because it's my blog and I do what I want. Here's Chase's answers. What is something I always say to you? “Will you rub my back?" What makes me happy? Fries, Disney, Puppies, new clothes What makes me sad? Also puppies LOL How old am I? redacted but he got it wrong ...

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Cosplay Questions

cosplay questions... everybody's favourite... my favourite to blog and everybody else's favourite to skip reading! 1. One of your best cosplay memories? I know it says "one of" but here's a few... my first DragonCon (mind blowing!), Disney group with my best friends/meeting Chase in 2005, almost running into Stan Lee in 2010 then him giving me a hug in 2012, our tipsy moms dressed as hobbits at Dragoncon 04, finally convincing my husband ...

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Cosplay Meme

A cosplay meme I stole because I'm bored. Cosplay Personality Meme! Choose a character from your cosplays that best suits each one… You relate to most: Belle. Ever since I was a little girl and saw the movie in the theater and had that whole, "SHE likes books and I like books too!" moment, preferring to be left alone to read and not wanting to deal with other silly people, ...

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5 Days After: The costume you most squeed over from this year

5 Days After: The costume you most squeed over from this year The Olafs, Dreamcatcher and Figment, Mean Girls, Celebrity Jeopardy... off the top of my head. I'm sure there's more I'm not thinking of. And I'm being lazy and not posting pics. *falls back asleep*

4 Days After: Somewhere you liked to eat while at DragonCon

4 Days After: Somewhere you liked to eat while at DragonCon Vortex! I love going here, good food. (I thought I had a picture of Kevin eating here at Momocon but i can't find it.) We also like Max Lager's. This year those were the only two major places we ate - we brought a mini fridge with us and ate a lot of sandwiches and avoided the food court as ...

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3 Days After: Your favorite guest from this year

3 Days After: Your favorite guest from this year This year I got Joel, Frank and Trace's autographs on Tom Servo, so they'll be my pick of course. And Trace drew Crow which made my Crow-fangirl self super happy.

2 Days After: Something that helps you recover from DragonCon or from post-con depression

2 Days After: Something that helps you recover from DragonCon or from post-con depression Snuggling up on the couch, eating junk food, watching movies and just chilling. Something I usually haven't been able to do for a few months without feeling guilty I'm not working on costumes. Also, looking at photos!

Sunday of DragonCon: What 2am at DragonCon looks like to you

Sunday of DragonCon: What 2am at DragonCon looks like to you (As with yesterday, not sure if I can update my blog from my phone so this may just be a placeholder til I get back.)