Rogue shoe tutorial… kinda

I took these pics when I was making my Rogue boots back in 2006 and never posted them. I honestly would do it a little differently now – but I figured I should post them anyway! My Starfire boots were the exact same base boots, just a slightly different boot cover (I wasn’t happy with the Starfire boot covers so I tried to fix the issue when I did these.)

Here’s the original boot. I painted the sole with acrylic paint. These soles were rubbery and the acrylic paint did pretty well on it – my Starfire purple did slightly better than the yellow. The yellow chipped a little more along the edge over time.

Then I cut the tops off, at the ankle. The ankle was wide enough I could wiggle my foot in there without a zipper.

ta-da! The dog is not impressed.

Next up, the mock-up. I used some left-over white spandex scraps. I draped my mock-up fabric over the shoe, and drew a chalk line where the shoe met the sole:

I cut off the excess underneath the line I drew, then folded it over and pinned it to make a hem.

I wanted to have a seam right in front of the foot opening, so that the back section would include the heel and the entire leg to the top, so I cut off the excess at the back. I stuck pins all over the fabric and shoe just to keep it in place while I worked.

Getitng the back section shape figured out.

Tweaking the shape and fit until it looks right. And unfortunately that was the last picture I took – I stopped working on them for the day and forgot to take pics when I went back to it. Once I got the mock-up back section shaped the way I wanted, I used the white mock-up as a pattern for my yellow fabric. I glued the edge of the boot cover along the top of the sole. They velcroed onto my suit at the top, which didn’t work very well, now I would have just sewn them into place on the suit.

The finished boots:

My Rogue (X-Men) costume from July | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram
I used these base boots twice because I really loved how they looked like Joe Madureira artwork!