
It’s snowing AGAIN! I don’t know man. Got to leave work early though so that’s a plus.

I’ve got quite a few costumes I could do some nice shots of out in the snow. We don’t get a lot of snow here – usually it’s only like once a year if that – so when it does it’s a great opportunity to get Snowtrooper or Snowbunny Padme shots.
In my 10 years of making costumes I never have, though. When we get snow, even a decent amount (which for us is like 2-3 in) there’s still those random blades of grass sticking up through it. And I think it looks messy. My excuse is I’m waiting for a big enough snow to look perfect to take costume pics. yeah 😛

And then there’s deciding which one to put on – I’ve got Padme Snowbunny, both green and pink Belle costumes would work in the snow, Hoth Leia, and then there’s the things that I think would just look cool in the snow, something like Alyss would look awesome in a cool snowy forest backdrop.

I’m really just rambling at this point. So to say something interesting:
I got my Enchantress skirt pieces finished. For making 50 skirt pieces I’m surprised I got them all done in only 2 nights. They’re not trimmed or shaped, I’ll do that after I get them attached to the belt. I had the worst time figuring out how I wanted to make those things – my fabric didn’t want to cooperate with any of the methods I could think of. I finally had to use stabilizer on every piece. I’ve spent the past two days watching girly netflix movies (little princess, secret garden.. .etc) and steaming stabilizer and spandex pieces. I think I’m going to need a new ironing board cover, it’s got little bits of stabilizer stuck all over it. Pretty happy with the final result, though – they look like leather instead of spandex.

Speaking of The Secret Garden – they don’t have the 1993 version on instant play, which made me sad because I love that version (I just need to buy it one day. They had it at target once for $5 and I should’ve gotten it). But they did have a version from the 70s, from the BBC. So I watched that version. Growing up, The Secret Garden was one of my favourite books – partially because the setting appealed to me so much (I would have killed to spend a rainy day exploring a giant mansion on the moors…) and partially because I always felt like I *was* Mary, I really identified with her. When I was little I always thought, if there’s a movie, I should play Mary, because I’m contrary and small and pale like her.
Well the girl in the BBC version looks so much like me when I was 10 I was rolling. I had to stop it and show Chase. Same haircut, same hair colour, same deep set round eyes and small mouth, I mean, I wish I had a pic of me scanned at that age, so I could post the it up next to a screencap. Chase was like, “Yep that’s your doppelganger”

Now to go work on my costume…