a day late

Well I was gonna do a small post yesterday after posting my year-end review, but didn’t get around to it, so here it is today.

Not a lot to talk about but wanted to mostly give a wedding Leia update.

Last week I got the sleeves hemmed and also cleaned up the inside of the sleeves. That took about 2 days of work – I was off Wed-Fri for my bereavement leave, so wednesday and Friday I camped in the living room and got them hemmed.

I also got the excess cut off the bottom hem after taking this pic… Sunday night I hung it up to see if the fabric was going to stretch before I started working on that hem, andddd when I went to check it last night, discovered I’d left about a 12-15 in long line of pins in the hem where I’d just kinda pinned it up quickly to see how it was looking. So I took those pins out and left it to hang another day.

I also got the front slit partially cut. I’d use pins to create a guide to cut it, and felt like it started to veer left as it got towards the top, so I got the pins readjusted and I’l finish cutting that tonight.

Not bad. Hoping to get the hem marked, pressed and ready to go tonight, then I can sit and work on it the next few days.

I also did a test of the decorative stuff for the back.

I had wanted to sandwich this between the chiffon and lining layer but it just kinda disappears so I’m going to do it on top.

The funeral was thursday. It’s still very surreal to me, like Sunday I realized I was never going to hear her voice again or hear her sing one of her silly little songs and it’s like… my brain can’t even comprehend it.

We went over to my aunt & uncle’s house post-funeral and Rachel for some reason had an entire bag of ponies. So we had to get them out and look through them LOL

Otherwise, I’ve been engaging in self-care by eating a lot of cookies, brownies, and sitting on the couch watching star trek.

I had wanted to get the photoshoot done this past weekend – because I’m tired of the stuff sitting out – but it still didn’t happen. Fingers crossed for my long christmas weekend.

Can’t do it this upcoming weekend – its gonna be busy. My only sewing goal this week is to get the hem done.