a big white marshmallow

Got home from work yesterday and discovered that my fabric from Dharma for my 4th dragoncon costume had arrived!

I got 10 yds of their “Essex” cotton/linen blend. It’s really nice, I was really happy with it!

Night before last I’d gotten all my pattern pieces out and ready so after dinner I got all the pieces cut out pretty quickly.

I frankensteined two patterns together – McCall’s M5155 and good ole’ Simplicity 9891. The McCall’s pattern is for the dress section, the Simplicity for the sleeves and collar.

They went together pretty easily.

It looks extra huge because TFA Leia is still on the dressform underneath it LOL

I got the dress panels put together and the collar facing installed. Sleeves are just pinned together, and I went ahead and pinned the hem, too.
I have to stop and get some interfacing tonight — I think the collar needs some so it stands up a little better on its on. I haven’t closed it up yet so I can iron some on easily.
Once I have that in I’ll close it up, finish the hem, get the sleeves on and hemmed – and that’s it.

I still have headgear to make, and a belt, but that’s it.

It kinda looks like I’m making Mon Mothma’s prequel dress, but I’m not. I’m making a giant white marshmallow, like the title says.

For real tho I’m going for a quasi-houppelande look similar to this:

Just with shorter sleeves cuz I used all that was left of my fabric for knee-length sleeves.
I’m hoping to finish it tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow I’m off for a sewing day. I have goals:
-Finish the houppelande. 100%. 3 day project.
-Finish the last little bits on the pink thing — sewing the last few sequins on, pressing it, sewing the straps in place
-Finish hem on TFA Leia
-Get started on my hat for the pink thing

Then spend the rest of the weekend on that hat. Headgear. Whatever you want to call it.

Random Luna!

  • Saffity

    It amazes me how much you can get done in a day, my back gets so sore from a day of sewing. Congrats on being able to add another costume for DragonCon! Can’t wait to see the photos of these with wigs and accessories.

    • kelldar

      thanks!! oh lord my back gets so sore! Tho I spend just as much time laying around my sewing room playing on my phone as I do sewing so I think that helps a bit, LOL