Rogue One

more like Rogue FUN!

First up, finished up Glinda and got it sent off, it fit perfectly, yay!

Now I REALLY need my dressform back from mom.

I finally made a little bit of progress on Bespin Leia. I really wanted to transfer one of my patterns over to some junk fabric so I could see how the spacing was going to look before I did it on my expensive fabric. Years ago when we had a joint yard sale with my aunt and uncle and Cath and Rach, etc – I bought Cath’s old canopy hangings from her old bed from her. LIke $5 and I had a giant bag of fabric, and I went up into the attic and pulled it out, and it was perfect for doing this mockup on.

Luna ATTEMPTED to help, but as you can see, it was not helpful at all.
As soon as I get my dressform back I’m going to pin this on and see how it looks. I think the spacing and proportion are about right. I did learn two things from doing this mock up, though — first, I need to tape the fabric and the pattern down. It kept shifting as I worked and I ended up with the test version leaning slightly to one side. I will probably do the actual fabric version on our table where I can tape it down and weight it down so it won’t shift, instead of just throwing it all on the floor willy-nilly like I did here.
Second, is I need new pens for doing the transfer — the red one I had was more brush-like and much too thick. The others were more pen-like, so I need to find one like that in the red. And I need a darker yellow. I’ll be getting those tomorrow while we’re out christmas shopping.


So last week I was supposed to have a root canal. If you might recall I started having some tooth pain while we were in Disney in October. I went to the dentist straight after and he took an x-ray and decided an old root canal of mine was causing the trouble and it needed to be redone. On top of that I had a nasty sinus infection which ALWAYS makes my teeth hurt really bad, so he gave me antibiotics for that and that knocked out like 99% of the pain I was having. Just in the past week or so has it started bothering me again, and not near as bad as it was in October.

Anyway so I’d scheduled the root canal for last week, but they called me and said they needed to reschedule me for 12/15. I said that was fine, no big deal, and took that date because I wanted to get it done without anymore delay. THEN I realized that 12/15 was of course the night we’d be going to see Rogue One. ARGH…

But I arranged to take the whole day off because I wasn’t sure how bad I’d feel afterwards. My appt was 8, they said they were blocking in 3 hours for it (though they said it likely wouldn’t take that long), and then I figured I’d go get my prescriptions and go home and rest, ice my cheek, and try to feel ok for the movie that night.

Well they got done with my root canal and temp crown really fast, and it didn’t hurt at all – of course they’d numbed me up real good. They said they saw me as Leia on the news from the Make-a-wish thing! (I’ve been going to my dentist since I was little and they know all about my costume stuff, LOL). I got a couple of RXs and headed off to pick them up… then since I was right around the corner I went over to check out the new IKEA that just opened Wednesday. YAY! I’m so glad to finally have an Ikea! I just walked around and checked it out, got a free bottle opener. Then I went and picked up my lunch because I figured the numbness would be wearing off and I’d start to be in pain and I should probably eat before then LOL


Ate (Panera mac and cheese, no chewing required), laid down on the couch, and it was like somebody flipped a light switch, I went from fully numb to not numb at all in the space of like 5 minutes. It was really weird. And… I was fine. I took my medicine and slept, and then by the time I got up it was time to get ready for the movie, took a shower, put on my makeup, did my hair, and tried to take a pic in front of the christmas tree before I headed out.

This was the only one that worked, though I like this one too:

With Luna skulking in the background. But you can see all my mess and whatnot from being parked on the couch on medication all afternoon, LOL.
Speaking of Luna, she’s mad at us, I think – she hates that we have that air puffer in front of the tree to keep her away from it.

We ended up going to Forest Hill so Ash could see it with us, it’s closer to where she works and if we’d gone elsewhere she wouldn’t have made it. We also opted for the 7pm show instead of the midnight, since we are now old and can’t deal with going to work the day after a midnight show anymore. I got there right after Chase (who also came straight from work), right around 5. We were the first ones there. They said they’d begin seating at 6.

Well while we were sitting around I saw a group of people go up the hall to start forming a line, so I hopped up to get in line, too. Then they just walked right into the theater, so… I did, too. Got our fav seats. And then we sat in a totally dark theater for about 15 minutes before the employees actually turned any lights on… LOL

And I ended up being the only person there in costume. Awkward.

So I enjoyed the movie. Honestly I felt a little disconnected from it in the first half but by the second act was really into it and that ending!! I hope we can find a time to see it again this weekend in between Christmas shopping.

I do wish Disney would put Star Wars release back in May. I don’t like it being below freezing when I’m going to a Star Wars movie. At least there was no outside line to have to wait in! (At TFA last year, there was! And it was cold!)

Anyway, this weekend, Ash’s bday, lots of Christmas shopping, hopefully some forward momentum on costume projects….

OH! I forgot. Chase took a pic of me in front of the tree when we got home like I wanted LOL

And I attempted one with the cat but you see how that went: