Monday again

Happy Monday 😛

It was a busy, yet not busy weekend.

Friday night I sewed on a skirt I’ve been planning to make for our next Disney trip – just now getting to it.

Saturday morning I did an event at our local Bricks & Minifigs store for their 2nd anniverary, it was a lot of fun, they had a lot of kids there and Chase and I enjoyed looking around the store. Ash came up to see us too and ended up buying a Millenium Falcon LOL

Chase took a bunch of photos I don’t have yet, here’s one random one from my phone:

Saturday afternoon back to working on the skirt:

I got this Seven Dwarfs fabric on my very last trip to Hancock Fabrics several months ago (I still can’t talk about them closing, it is too upsetting). It’s pretty similar looking to my Haunted Mansion skirt from 2013, but I used a different pattern this time – I got Simplicity 8211 recently and was excited to give it a try. It has pockets!!

I did changed up a couple of things, the pattern called for a side zipper installed next to one of the pockets. I decided to move the zipper around to the back for simplicity’s sake (ha, ha), which meant also adding a seam up the back. I used some black taffeta for the waistband and a bright red zipper I already had on hand, leftover from something else.

All that’s left is putting a hook-and-eye in the waistband:

The cotton fabric is REALLY stiff though. I soaked it with some fabric softener and put it in the dryer on low heat with a few dryer sheets, it didn’t do much. I may do one more round and try some baking soda with it as a google search suggests.

I also unofficially packed for DragonCon. It wasn’t hard. Obviously all my Tightrope Walker stuff was right there. Edith stuff was still sitting out from the photoshoot. Captain Marvel was miraculously all in its bin together. Janet Snakehole was the only one I had to dig for – the hat ended up being stuck in my Belle wig box and the wig was in with Peggy (and not marked that that’s where it was…)

I also tried on Captain Marvel to make sure it would look ok considering I’m bout 5-6 lbs heavier this year than I was last year. (Boo) While I was digging out my tights I came across these fake butt pads a friend of mine gave me (life of a costumer, you can get all kinds of weird hand-me-down stuff), and I thought I’d put them on and see what they look like with Captain Marvel. OMG it was so funny. I probably had them on wrong because they made it look like my butt stuck OUT and UP, I could not stop laughing. So no I will not be using the butt pads but at least it made me laugh when I was otherwise feeling kinda blah about how I looked in it LOL

So after having to dig for stuff, I went to put my sewing room back together and clean up. I was putting bins back on the top shelf when I noticed it was sagging. I could see in the middle there was a hook and the shelf was no longer attached to it. I called Chase in to have a look and he told me to take everything else off the top shelf and he’d fix it this week. So as I took the bins down, I discovered that it wasn’t just the middle hook, but all the way down the left side the shelf was off the hooks and one of them was even jerked out of the wall. The only thing holding it up on the left side was the one on the side wall.

And as I took everything down on the right, it had come off some of those hooks too but a couple of the furthest ones were still hanging in there.

This is the shelf that came with the house, so I’m actually pretty amazed it’s held this long. I’ve thought about it a few times wondering if it might fall, because I know how heavy my costumes can be. I’m SO glad I caught it before it came completely out of the wall, though… I’ve lived through that happening once and I don’t want to ever do it again LOL (Not my costumes… regular clothes closet but still! that was a mess!)

I took all my costumes off the left side of the shelf to help with the strain and put them on the garment rack. So now there is literally no room to do anything in my sewing room except walk the path to the closet. At least I”m pretty much done sewing.

I want to try to brainstorm if there’s a better way to put new shelving in there or something before we slap this old one back up there…