Crazy weather

Yesterday around 4:30 I heard my boss and coworker talking about how dark it was outside, I peeked my head around the corner and it was pitch black out, like it was midnight! Right after that the rain and wind started, it was like we were in a hurricane. By the time I left at 5 it was only raining a bit, but it had rained so much in that space of time that there was several flooded areas and it had knocked powerlines out. It took Chase 2 hours to get home thanks to street lights being out. Another round came through overnight. My aunt & uncle are without power today because lightning hit a pole and burned it down, and my parents’ back patio cover was knocked over.

Our power stayed on but flickered a few times. The worst time was around 10 when Chase had left the house to run up and grab something at the grocery store. I was in the bathroom getting ready for bed, he was gone, and I heard one of our doors slam. Then the power went out. I was freaked! I locked the bathroom door and just sat there with my phone until he got home, lol. As soon as we got in bed the power came back, but it went out a couple more times overnight. Thankfully it was on this morning.

Anyway, a few things.

I finished my hood! The veil fabric came last week so I just needed to sit down with a needle and thread and get that and the back edge binding attached.

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I think I am going to go back and take a small dart along the upper edges to make it curve over the head, right now it’s got a bit of a boxy shape at the top so I think doing that will help smooth it out.

And oh let’s see the pepto bismal monster…
A very roughly pinned together back piece from earlier this week:

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As of yesterday… the bodice is looking quite lumpy because nothing is sewn down to the base yet.

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And darnit I didn’t realize how bad this picture was when I took it.

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I’ve got the skirts about put together, got to get the lining in. I started focusing on the skirts when the shoulder-to-back seam didn’t make sense. It just seemed really tight and too small. I pulled out my blue dress form 2011 to see how I’d done it there – and surprise surprise, I’d had to make an extension.