
I had a nice holiday weekend. Thanksgiving itself was kinda crazy – we had TWO Thanksgiving lunches to go to that day, one at 11 and one at 1. So much foooood.

Friday Luna went to the vet and got fixed! While waiting to pick her up, we went to see Big Hero 6 which was cute. I especially liked the short, Feast.
When we got Luna home and opened up her cat carrier, she bolted and wedged herself behind the dryer. We had to scare her out from back there, and cornered her in the hallway. Chase picked her up carefully with a towel (her making this crazy cat growl groaning sound the whole time) and put her in the big kennel we’d set up for her to stay in. After he got her in, I was like, “what is that?” We’d apparently scared her so bad trying to corral her, that she had pooped. Poor thing LOL
Around 5:30 in the morning she woke us up with some little meows. Let her out and she had to use her litter box, then a few hours later she was ready to eat. By Sunday morning she was pretty much back to normal and there was no stopping her from jumping up on things. Her meow-er is still a little sore – this morning she sounded more like R2-D2 than a cat.

Saturday we went to the Tigers football game and boy was it windy. My face is still windburnt! Ouch.

Sunday we had a little get-together at Incredible Pizza and played games and ate pizza and it was really fun.

I meant to work on Elsa over the weekend. I did not.

I’m not going to link the giant instagram picture (why don’t they give you a size choice…) but there are some pics from the weekend over there.