Revisiting Old Photos: Again

So I’m still working on old pictures, and I’m finally in to 2007. That means I’m halfway done!
The whole point of this project has been to upload bigger, clearer versions of my old pictures. A lot of them were only 500px tall, which is tiny by today’s standards, and were often fuzzy. Since I still have the full size versions of probably 95% of my photos, I figured why not go back and replace all of these with higher quality, larger versions? It’s also giving me a change to replace my old website tag with the newer one.

And it’s giving me a chance to do fixes I wasn’t capable of back then – namely, fixing the exposure and the colour, which in some cases is a big deal – like the Padme Lake dress pictures I posted about a couple of weeks ago.

Another thing I’m fixing? For the 2006-2007 photos, I’m fixing my make-up.
For some reason during that era I was really into slathering my eyelids with black eyeshadow. Which wouldn’t be so terrible if I hadn’t made it worse by running over them with the burn tool before uploading.

So here’s one of my all time fav ewok Leia shots, before:

And after:

My Leia Ewok village costume from | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

I realize the difference isn’t HUGE at first blush, but I’m so much happier with the newer version.