4 Days To Go: Something you are really excited about this year

4 Days To Go: Something you are really excited about this year

This year? I’m excited about several of the guests, especially Terry Gilliam! Don’t know if I’ll go meet him or not but I live vicariously through Cath’s guest trans experience so I’ll get to hear some stories I’m sure.
I’m excited that Joel, Trace and Frank will be there – I’m going to get them to sign Tom Servo, hopefully.

I’m excited about the Vintage Vogue Fashion Show!

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I’m excited to wear my costumes! And to shop in the dealer’s room. I’m excited about the 80s X-Men group I’ll be part of. Excited to shoot Johanna in the Marriott. Excited to get there. Excited to eat at Vortex. Excited to be excited.

Actually I think I’ve been so stressed out with stuff recently, and just life itself has seemed weird, that I know it’s coming but I haven’t really “gotten excited.” There are things I’m looking forward to (all of the above) but the excited butterflies have only finally started up in the last few days. And some of it feels more like nervousness than excitement, honestly. Bleh.