3 Days To Go: Something you recommend everyone pack

3 Days To Go: Something you recommend everyone pack

1. Medicine
Not just Dragoncon but every single trip I go on, I take a medicine bag of anything we may possibly need. Besides personal prescriptions, I always take pain relief (multiple kinds – aspirin and ibuprofen), Benadryl (also personally helps me sleep), Sudafed, Sudafed Sinus Headache, stomach meds, plus things like band-aids and moleskin.
While most of that over the counter stuff is available in the stores in the hotel and at the CVS, I prefer to have it already with me and easily accessible. Especially since I usually need it late at night once the stores are already closed!

2. Extra Underwear/Clothes
Dragoncon is hot. Even if you stay indoors, there’s usually still a huge mash of people and the ACs can’t keep up. Bring extra clothes and extra underwear so you can change if you’re feeling funky. Even without costumes, I try to bring extra of all normal clothes just in case. At one convention, we ended up stranded due to a massive snowstorm – and I had no extra clothes. I was stuck wearing the same clothes for 2 days. Always bring extra!

3. Drinks
And I don’t mean alcohol. If at all possible, bring some bottled water, juice, gatorade, etc along with you. They are too expensive at the hotels for just one bottle, and having it in your room or where you can easily grab one to carry with you will help keep you hydrated (and cooler!)
If you can’t bring it with you, the CVS in the mall area is GREAT, and typically has good deals (better than hotel stores) and even gets into the Dragoncon spirit (last year they had “con essentials” in R2D2 buckets set out!) Head here for snacks, drinks and meds instead of the hotel stores to save some money.

4. Travel documentation
Flight information, tickets, road maps, hotel reservation confirmations, and your postcard for badge pick-up. I put it all in a folder to have it at hand if ever needed. I prefer to have all the paperwork printed out and there with me in case a question ever arises. Usually faster to grab than trying to find something on a phone.

5. Extra cash
The ATMs WILL run out of money and/or break over the weekend. Bring extra emergency cash just in case.

6. Chargers
Phone and camera chargers! Don’t forget to bring them and don’t forget to take them home with you!