Arica and Black Widow progress

I’m finally putting together my Gaga skirt. Almost done. Took a break for a little lunch (cheese toast, haven’t had time for the grocery in a while so it’s all we had!). Last night I started feeling icky in the middle of putting the zipper in my gaga suit, so I finished that off and sat in the living room the rest of the evening beading Surprise #1. The smaller beads I got are pretty perfect for filling in the gaps at the waistline. Did a little more on the neck, too, and finished the bracelets.

Here’s my Mara Jade as Arica headband, still got to tie my leather straps onto the ends:

I took a strip of silver friendly plastic and drew the design out - Chase cut it out for me and drilled a couple of holes so I can tie it on. Super easy! | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

Here’s my Black Widow belt, couldn’t pick up my spider on my belt very well at the angle I was at, but you can see it:

Used some large silver button covers and painted them gold - the center piece is a wooden disc I painted. All attached to a thin gold rope that ties in the | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram