Intruder Dog

These people down the street have this little tiny sort-of rat terrier looking dog. And they just let him out, no leash, no line or anything. So far it hasn’t really a big deal – if we come outside with Indy, it’s more an issue of keeping Indy calm. The little dog just usually barks but keeps his distance.

Well today I took Indy out when I got home. She found a spot right away and was doing her business. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, that little just like appears at my feet. Like he just freaking teleported in. Indy turned around and immediately went all freako (she doesn’t like stranger dogs being around me). I snatched her up because I didn’t want her jumping the little dog, who wasn’t acting aggressive in any way – he wasn’t even barking, he just seemed curious.

I ran on up the stairs with Indy and when I got to the landing I looked back, and the little dog was just standing there staring up at us.

It was kinda weird. If I hadn’t had Indy (or Indy was friendlier to other dogs) I would have petted him, because he’s quite cute.
I just wish those people would keep him on a line, we’re right near a busy street and I wouldn’t want anything to happen to him, and plus you don’t know what kind of people/other animals are around.