
Art by Chiara Bautista Indy - 1997-2014 A piece of me lives in the stars now.

a bunch of random non-costume stuff

I was digging through old hard drives yesterday looking for some old pics for a Christmas project and came across a bunch of random pics I've never uploaded for anything. So this is a post about that. If this isn't interesting to you, sorry, it's my blog I do what I want. My wedding dress! I took these to show people on my wedding LJ back in 2008 but I never ...

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Ms Marvel & Indy

I found this pic I'd never done anything with when going through Ms Marvel pics. She was in probably every photoshoot we ever did at the house. (because she was always nosy about what we were doing)


I wrote a nice memorial post for Calvin when he passed last year. I can't do the same for Indy. There aren't the words. We said goodbye yesterday. She was my baby and a part of me is gone forever. She lived to be 18 years old. She got me through the worst of high school, through college, through 3 jobs, a marriage and 2 moves. I don't know what to do without ...

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Overly Critical Indy

"I feel like the colour story of your sequins could be stronger. Try more turquoise as opposed to be royal blue." I couldn't really get a decent photo of my in-progress Elsa bodice - in the yellow light of my office it looks grey, in the sun it looks pale, pale blue. Really I don't know why I'm concerned about it since it's all going to get covered up by ...

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Stuff from yesterday

Well yesterday, I packed some more... We played with worbla... I helped Chase with a wig, and I got my skirt put together And then I decided I hadn't done enough beading on Saturday so I started beading the skirt And Chase has the power I also painted some gauntlets. My hands are covered in purple and brown paint, and a Mickey Mouse bandaid from where the wrong end of ...

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Saturday night

So! Yesterday, I started kinda packing, almost finished embroidering my pants, then Chase and I ran errands and fell asleep on the couch. Today we got up early and went and had breakfast, then a couple more errands. Came home and got to work on stuff. I finally broke down and dyed my wig. Been scared of doing it. It was kind of a dusky pink at first, which I ...

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A flashback

I know it's not throwback thursday but my dad emailed me this old picture he found: My old futon bunk bed, my old computer (I spent many an hour playing Sims 1 and doing artwork on that computer), all my Beatles posters, and baby Indy (with colour on her face!) looking up at the stuffed Husky I had gotten in Alaska. She wanted to play with it so bad.

Very Distant Lands

Indy the dog and Kell the human

Life update

Well I figured I'd write some about stuff that's been going on lately. I've been trying to sew some stuff for my etsy store but haven't had a ton of time; after getting back from Disney Indy got really sick. It was back and forth from the vet to the animal hospital to the vet - they finally diagnosed her with pancreatitis. She had to get a lot of fluids ...

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