Rogue, Mustafar and Lake Padme updates!

I finished my Rogue straps, the boots and all the little straps that go around her wrists, upper arms and top of the boots! Whoohoo! All I have left to do on her is sew some velcro on the legs and top of the boots so the boots will freaking stay up. And get Chase to finish the center X part!

I got my Mustafar Padme straps cut out, they look good! I’m going to put the first layer of dye on them before I leave for work today.

Today: get the Lake underdresses made. Hopefully far enough that I can dye them, though that’s shooting high.

Also forgot to mention in my post from yesterday – I got a medal of Yavin! It’s awesome! I’ve got to paint it and put a ribbon on. I’ll post pics of it later (I left it in Nashville, oops). Aaaand my new slave link collar links from ScarletKiss! They are so nice! I can’t wait to wear them next week.