
I just realized I didn’t post last week. I don’t think I had anything to say LOL

Not much has been going on. The head cold I had over New Year’s came BACK with another round of stuffy nose and drainage. Bleh.

It started snowing yesterday and hasn’t stopped!

This morning:

And the amazing part… no ice! I can’t remember the last time we got snow with no ice to top it off.

Chase is off work today so that’s nice.

I do actually have sewing updates today.

First, I finally dug into the Star Wars Cruise dress project and did a bodice mockup for a fit check.


Yeah….. that’s going to need some adjustments.

Turns out I did the underbust band/strap part wrong. The cups WERE too big but fixing that fixed most of the problems.

Somewhat better.

Turned it inside out to take up.

It’s messy because it’s all pinned but I think I finally got it fitted.

I did sew that up yesterday just to check all was good. It’s a little messy but I think that’s just mostly due to the fact I didn’t clip any curves or cut out the excess from taking it up. I feel like it’s good enough to move on to the real fabric.

And now that brings me to my fabric conundrum. I only have 2 yards of the fabric I want to use for this dress. My plain was to use that fabric for the skirt, a matching plain cotton for the bodice area, and the scraps of the other version of this fabric I had leftover from the 2 piece outfit from last year as the bra cups.

But putting it all together on the form, I really don’t like the matching plain cotton as the bodice. It looks cheap. I tried to order some plain white cotton from Joann as a pickup, to do some dye tests and see if I can get close… but they canceled my order this morning. Dunno if they canceled it for the snow or because they don’t have it.

I DO have a lot of fabric in the skirt. I’m not cutting it out as 4 rounded skirt panels like the pattern calls for, because that would cut into the pattern which I want to be along the bottom edge. So I just have 2 big rectangles, a front and back. I’m going to see if I can sacrifice just enough of the skirt fabric to cut the bodice sections. Mark it off and see what the skirt looks like with that amount missing.

I really wish I’d gotten more than 2 yards but at the time I didn’t know what I wanted it for and it was really expensive! I’d hold off and order more when it comes back for this May 2024 round but I really want it for the cruise šŸ™

SO I stopped writing this and went and looked to see if they had ANY of the various combos of this design still in stock and it appears they do. I just ordered a couple of yards. It can take 10-14 days for them to ship in stock items and that’s cutting it pretty close. I’m rolling the dice, let’s see what happens…

And in other news, I did a test run of a clutch style bag. Just used some cotton and scrap fabric I had. This is a bag pattern I picked up on etsy that fits these metal frames I got on amazon. Overall it worked great except the hinge attachment. The hinge area doesn’t have any openings for it to be sewn into place and the glue the pattern suggested didn’t work. I got some e6000 to try. My concern is the glue staining the real fabric when I move on to that, because it’s white and delicate — I’m using the lining layer of my aunt’s wedding dress to make a clutch for Cath for the wedding.

I had to pause and order more interfacing before moving on but I did make all of the interior lining layers yesterday. Also just kinda being a chicken about cutting up my aunt’s wedding dress, even if it is just the lining layer!

Ran errands Saturday in my new Her Universe sweater, I love it!

And I found this little Queen while out shopping for $5 so I had to get her. Also got a couple of those rubbery blind-bag keychain – a Phantom Menace one (which I’d been looking for forever, I desperately want the Amidala out of that) and a Marvels one. The TPM bag was a little bit of a bummer, I got Darth Maul. But the Marvels bag was a winner, I got Ms Marvel! And funnily enough they go with some of those other keychains I already have — I have a Darth Vader and a Captain Marvel already. So I got them all out and put them on our suitcases for the cruise – Chase has Darth Maul and Darth Vader on his and I have Carol & Kamala on mine. šŸ™‚

That’s all I got for this week. I’ll be back next with… updates? On what I dunno? Maybe I’ll get back to Honeymoon Leia while awaiting interfacing for the bags and fabric for the cruise dress…