oh my god

I did not post last week... AGAIN! Well I didn't have much to talk about so it's not like anyone was missing anything. I've been having to go to the doctor every dang week, excluding the week to disney, and it's really starting to fray my nerves. They're trying to get my blood pressure under control before surgery later this month and checking in and tweaking things weekly. Now this ...

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it’s rat time

Remember how last week I said we were finally done with white backdrop shoots? Well I lied. Chase used a different camera for the last 2 shoots (Jedi Leia and Boushh) and when I got the shots back they just looked too different than every other white backdrop shoot; I looked back lit. Which was a bummer because i really liked some of the photos especially the ones where Luna crashed ...

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thank you for your preferences

Sorry for no post monday! Or yesterday. I may have to start moving my weekly post back because Mondays are becoming too hard. And then I forget. I HAVE been working on the site though, I have all the costume pages updated with their new photoshoot pictures and notes. Yay. Speaking of, here's a recap of the photoshoot pics I've uploaded since the last post. First up, She-Ra: I'm actually ...

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my brain doesn’t work

I swear my brain has just ceased all function since starting to work from home. My days are all mixed up. My weeks are all mixed up. How is Christmas in 2 weeks? WTF. I haven't bought any presents at all. I haven't hardly thought about it. What is happening?!?! I am in a constant bubble of confusion. And work has been crazy the last week because my email was down ...

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it’s just another migraine monday

Today has been crazy at work. We started the morning off with a huge thunderstorm and tornado warnings and sirens and the whole nine yards. And of course the weather shift has given me a migraine. BLAH. And everybody decided they need everything today and it's just... nuts. Let's start with the fun stuff this week! Saturday we were up at MCX! We have Kevin staying with us so the ...

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Dragoncon 2019 Wrap-Up

It's my favourite post of the year! The post where I get to recap Dragoncon and post all my fav pics. So Wednesday I went into work early so I could leave early (2), which ended up not being necessary... I'd pretty much gotten everything packed Tuesday night and all I really had left was stuff like my toothbrush, medicine, etc. So I ended up just taking a nap til Ash ...

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Art is… a rambo

I had sinus stuff all last week (with accompanying sinus headaches) which transitioned into a migraine on thursday and then I had a migraine all weekend, bad enough on Saturday that I laid on the couch nauseated and feeling awful a good portion of the day. Every once in a while my medicine would kick in and I'd be able to go do something but then it'd stop working and ...

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our watch has ended

Well mine never started because I didn't even watch last night's GOT finale. I haven't really watched much of GOT the last 2-3 seasons? And for this last season I got spoiled so didn't feel like watching it. Well, I got partially spoiled, then dived on into full spoilers because why not. LOL. But I keep seeing people talk about Sansa's costumes from the finale and I want to see ...

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I wonder if anybody would notice…

...if I just crawled under my desk and took a nap? What is it like not feel tired? I honestly wonder. I can't remember the last time I wasn't tired. OK! So anyway. I have pics from the Belle shoot and also the symphony from last weekend to finally post, but first let me get through last week's sewing updates and the weekend and all that. First up, new pins! ...

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its a bittersweet symphony

I don't have a ton to post about this week! Didn't do much last week other than go to work. Saw Endgame again Wednesday afternoon. I had a migraine Tues-Thurs so it was a struggle to make myself go sew or do anything. I did get the yoke for Jedi Leia version 2 assembled. Here's the outer grey piece and the lining/batting piece laid out. I actually got pretty close ...

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