its a bittersweet symphony

I don’t have a ton to post about this week!

Didn’t do much last week other than go to work. Saw Endgame again Wednesday afternoon. I had a migraine Tues-Thurs so it was a struggle to make myself go sew or do anything.

I did get the yoke for Jedi Leia version 2 assembled.

Here’s the outer grey piece and the lining/batting piece laid out.

I actually got pretty close to finishing version 1 this weekend. It’s really nice to work out the kinks on one version that will make my own version easier to do a couple of days later.

One kink I didn’t get worked out in time and will be present in both – the back pattern piece I made up gapes at the arm opening. I had to take a dart in version 1, and unfortunately I’ve already cut and assembled version 2’s. So It will also have the dart present. I hid it on the back under the arm as much as possible.

Hand-sewed the yoke on version 1 in place on the bottom front, then machine sewed it around the arms and collar. Hood is attached to the yoke in the front and then switches to the neckline/collar in the back. I got the collar on last night but missed a spot and need to go back and fix it tonight. Didn’t feel like unpicking it last night. Once that’s done and I get some hook and eye closures on, I’ll have it up for sale.

Saturday morning we ran some errands, then around 2 I started getting ready for the symphony and decided to do it live on instagram.
So basically all the lighting in all 3 of our bathrooms is trash. It’s all from above, all yellow, and all dim like trying to put on makeup in a cave. We are planning on replacing the lighting in my bathroom ASAP (not only is the lighting AWFUL in there but the light that is in there is weird and uneven? I’m sure the uneven-ness is due to wiring but it’s weird and I want one of those big mirrors that have the LED lights built in around the edges.), but until then I got a small lighted makeup mirror. Because there was no way I was going to be able to get my Amidala makeup even and on correctly in that cave of my bathroom. And since I needed to sit to use it, I set it up in my sewing room. So I figured since I have it set up in here, might as well prop my phone up and stream and talk to people while I do it.

So that was fun, I really enjoyed it and I’ll do it again next time I’m getting in costume! Which probably won’t be til June. But still.
Funny thing tho was that I was messing with the bead strands on either side of my wig, because the elastic had stretched again and I STILL HAVEN’T FIXED THAT… and one of them just came off right in my hand. Right on my live stream. LMAO. So I signed off and had to grab a needle and thread and sew it back on WHILE wearing it. LMAO.

The symphony event was fun. This year they did an afternoon and evening show and invited the 501st/RL to both. There’s no way I could stay in Amidala that long to do both so I only did the evening show.

Chase liked this car in the lobby

It was fun. Lots of people who had no idea who I was dressed as, but balanced out by some folks who were big Padme fans which is unusual but also super cool?!

We left after intermission; they had asked to have some characters onstage for the Imperial March in the 2nd act. Couple of troopers were going to go onstage with one of the symphony’s guys dressed like Vader, the rest were going to stay on the floor (nobody wanted to go up the stairs if they could help it). Since I didn’t really “go” standing with a bunch of bad guys with the Imperial March playing, I peaced out. Esp since I was starving, it was after 9 and I hadn’t had dinner yet!

Did stop to take some pics on the way out tho. Chase tooks “real” pics so I’ll have those up soon.

Oh also stole this pic from Tammy on fb, me and Chase talking from above, LOL.

Picked up dinner, got home and ate with my makeup still on LOL. It was a good test of how well I can eat with the Amidala makeup on – result, my red lipstick stays in place fine. The white makeup on my lips totally comes off. I really think I need to invest in some white lipstick for the future because the white facepaint never sticks to my lips all that well to start with.

I mean to be fair there was a break in there but I was left without time to do much else and today I’m a sneezing mess.

I did get Chase to help me hang a few more things in the stairway tho! We got our 12×18 frames in for at least some of the attractions posters.

On the right when coming in from the laundry room.

On the left, added the railroad and haunted mansion.

Looking back down at that section

The upper half on the right side

I still have to get frames for a couple of things. Got another haunted mansion print to frame, and I want to get prob 3 more 12×18 frames (add 20,000 Leagues, Small World and Pirates to the other side). Then I still have my smaller 5×7 prints to sprinkle around. Those are ready to go, I just want to get the big things in place first.

So I’m sure ya’ll are like hey what happened with photos from last week’s photoshoot? Well Chase has been busy so they’re a bit delayed. I do have a FEW previews to post today tho!

On the phone LOL

AND NOW!!! I present the last Padme in the Padme Project, Padme #100…

Based on a… well I can’t remember now if it was a TPM concept sketch or an AOTC concept sketch. I liked the sort of chest “jewelry” or whatever it was, I liked that i was sort of Huttslayer-esque? So I leaned into that, though tried to go more yellow/gold than bronze brown with the colour scheme. Also some Worth “sunburst” influence which i’d been wanting to use somewhere and with the colour scheme I was using here it seemed to fit.

So now I’m working on cleanup of some older pieces. Just touchups and repairing a few things. Some of them are ones were I wasn’t happy with the face. One of them the “final” version I have, the jewelry isn’t finished! WTF! But it’s finished in the JPg version so apparently I lost the actual final psd version somewhere. So just things like that.

But I did go ahead and swing back around to Leia. I’ve already done a couple of Leia re-dos last year — redoing the 2010 versions. I’ve already done Ceremonial, Endor Gear, Hoth Gear, and Bespin escape jumpsuit. So I went ahead and did Ewok Village next.

Tho I’m going to put a pin in the Leias til I finish the Padme touch-ups. Shouldn’t take long to get through those and back to the Leias though… I’m thinking Huttslayer next.