it’s just another migraine monday

Today has been crazy at work. We started the morning off with a huge thunderstorm and tornado warnings and sirens and the whole nine yards. And of course the weather shift has given me a migraine. BLAH. And everybody decided they need everything today and it’s just… nuts.

Let’s start with the fun stuff this week! Saturday we were up at MCX! We have Kevin staying with us so the week beforehand I tried to make some updates to his Luke costume. I took his pants up so they weren’t so baggy at the knees, cut his boots off at the ankles and repainted them, and made new upper strips for the wrappings. I tried to dye the strips but 2 dye rounds and they looked awful so I gave up, used nude spandex for the wraps (with ACE bandages underneath to keep them in place). And of course after all that work nobody took a pic of him full length. I have no pics of any of that. Oh well.

I wore Jedi Leia. I bought new brown extensions so I could just spray my roots darker to match and not have the mis-matching reds again like I did at Dragoncon.

Kevin’s hair was a mop. I need to get him a Luke wig!

I spent most of the day doing prejudging/costume contest but I did get to meet Grizz!

And Kevin got his pic in front of the batmobile.

Costume contest judging was fun and we had so many kid entries! They were all great! After the contest we took some pics of my Leia outside.

My side curls were really exuberant that day LOL I should have used a thicker curler.

As soon as we got to the con that morning, Chase said “what’s that on the front of your dress?” and I had this weird reddish-brown stain right on the front of my dress at knee level. About the size of a quarter, and a few smaller dots to the side. UGH! I tried to dab it off but it made it worse. I guess I brushed up against something. Had to go the whole con day with this ugly stain right there in the front of my white dress. Put some Grandma’s Stain Remover on it as soon as I got home and it came right out, thankfully.


Despite being the one busy all day while Chase and Kevin shopped, played games, and ate, somehow I came home with more purchases than either of them.

I very very VERY casually collect these smaller scale Leia and Padme figures and have for many years. Only when I see one I don’t have for a super cheap price do I buy. Doesn’t matter if they are carded or not. (The only one I’ve kept in its box/card is my parade Amidala figure). Saw this battle handmaiden Padme for $4 and this Raddus Leia for $4 so why not.

These newer figures look pretty great.

And Chase got me this beautiful Leia print from IG @blewisarts!

I think it’s going to fit perfectly right here on my Leia wall. If the frame I get isn’t too big.

Ok so now the sewing portion of my post.
I haven’t done a lot of sewing this week. At least not that I can really show. I spent pretty much all week working on the shoes for the Belle costume. Going back and forth on how I wanted them to look and then changing my mind and redoing it and so on and so on.

Finally I decided to cover the entire shoe in the green velveteen.

Made a cotton pattern first and then transferred to the velveteen. Not that this helped. I ended up tweaking the pattern at least 3 times and recutting the shoe panels. Thank goodness none of these panels were very big, since I didn’t have much fabric left.

Ended up with a 7 piece pattern – 2 sides for each shoe, 2 “collars” for each shoe, a toe piece, and a sole piece (made the sole out of some black vinyl). Here’s the 2 side pieces, the 2 “collar” pieces (I dunno what else to call those) sewn together, before doing the toe piece and the sole.

Both shoe coverings sewn together without the sole

One shoe with the sole on and before I started sewing the edges in place.

Both shoes basically put together.

I wanted to outline the edge of the opening and around the squares of the collar pieces with some of the leftover green silk. But it was just looking really sloppy and kinda cartoonish?

I made trim and sewed it onto an entire shoe before I decided I hated it and pulled it off.

At this point I’m thinking I’m going to make a trim out of what’s left of my velveteen so I can just have the edges look clean, and then I’m going to just do a buckle in the center for looks, even though it doesn’t need it.

Yesterday I did mess with the dress a little but not enough to warrant photos.

I started playing with the hook and eye tape for the closures and it looks like it’s going to fit pretty well. BUT the hook and eyes are so far apart they’re gaping in between. I think I’m going to have to cut up some of the excess tape and sew on extra hooks and eyes so there’s a closure every half inch instead of every inch.

Also decided to just make plain cuffs for the sleeves instead of ruffles. This dress is about the stripes. Not ruffles. All the laces and flowers and ruffles and things worked great on the pink dress but the green dress is feeling more utilitarian. Not that I dislike that, I’m loving how it looks, it just needs a more simplified set of embellishments than the pink one did.

So now onto everything else…
TikTok has damaged my brain.

I’ve seen people get these and just had to have one.


All my tiny products. Moon Pies, Hawaiian Tropic, Bacon bits, and some brand of chocolate syrup I’ve never heard of.
I kinda want another one but like I needed these in the first place? LOL

Wednesday night last week we went and played Disney Villains trivia at Rec Room.

I haven’t been to a trivia in ages. It was fun! We came in 2nd overall and had the best team name! (Janear, Jafar, Jawhereever you are)

Then Thursday Skye came and hung out with me at work.

My parents went on a day trip so she stayed here at the office with me. She was a good girl all day!

So you guys know we still haven’t finished unpacking after moving in JANUARY but the most egregious place we havne’t messed with is the garage. Almost everything in the garage is still exactly where the movers sat it and we haven’t touched it since. We finally did a LITTLE work in there yesterday. Kevin found 2 cap shields.

And we sold the old dryer. Yay.

Ended the night with some ice cream.

So that’s all I got this week. Going to try to finish up Belle this week and then move onto Arwen. Get stuff done EARLY!