Dragoncon Part 2!

Ok I was hoping to have this post up last week, but Chase had a lot of trouble exporting the photos and I was only getting them in chunks. I think I've got all of them now, or at least, most of them. Might be a few more stragglers. Besides uploading pics, last week was absolutely crazy at work, and only going to get crazier... I spent most evenings laying ...

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back to fake life

I started to title this "back to real life" but I realized doing something normal like going to Dragon Con is real life. Going back to the day-to-day of the last year is the fake life. So -- Dragon Con was actually pretty great. I had my reservations, as you may have noticed in the last post. But the low crowds, the people, the volunteers... everything was great. Of course ...

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dragoncon is nigh

I've decided I'm officially considering this dragoncon #20. Actually I take that back. Going to wait and see how the weekend goes. if it sucks this is dragoncon #19. If it's great it's dragoncon #20 LOL. This year would've been #20 if they hadn't canceled last year -- but i DID participate in the virtual con last year so I feel like I could count it? If I wanted to? Just brain things. So ...

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its dragoncon week

I blatantly stole this from the dcon fb group. The BIG news is that I finished this effing skirt. It's all sewn down. I really pushed myself to finish this ASAP, in fact, I'm SORE today from the weird contortions I had to make while sewing on the upper level. So the timeline of the physical making-of the floral skirt (not counting the months of testing and failing and starting ...

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high strangeness

Here we are beginning the last week of July. It's not a great Monday as it is, I have a migraine and 2 conference calls today which means my brain is basically saying "no" to any other work. I swear a call may only be an hour long but my brain is like, we have to build in an hour before the call to prepare and then an hour after the ...

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dragoncon updates

I know I just posted yesterday, it's dragoncon season, I'll post as much as I want. I came up with what I think is my finalized line-up. So let's go through 'em, because I was finally able to order a ton of stuff yesterday and I have a better trajectory than I did in yesterday's post. 1. Wanda Got my HTV ordered and it'll be here thursday. I also bought boots! ...

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mama mia

Well here we are, it's monday again. And it's been another week of panicked flailing around for something to do to work on while dragoncon stares me down in the horizon. I spent pretty much all of last week doing little repairs on older costumes and what not. I fixed my broken Arwen necklace, finished sequining my Dorothy shoes (I started on that in 2006 then stopped halfway around a heel. ...

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hey remember how

remember how I called a post a couple of weeks ago "lost weekend"? Well I take that back. This was it. This was the lost weekend. Ugh! I was so excited to have a 3 day weekend and get a lot of costume work done. I ended up being so stuck that by Sunday I didn't do ANYTHING. We ending up binging the last 3 episodes of The Queen's Gambit (which I ...

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dragoncon 2021

I realllly was wanting to put together my dragoncon line-up for instagram the other day but I felt like it might jinx it. So instead here I am writing an extra blog post for the week because I'm having an irritating day and needed a nice distraction. Even though I kinda already went over this in a post a couple of weeks ago. It's my blog I do what I ...

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