Updates on stuff

Spent most of the weekend working on stuff. First up, Chase got his Zaphod wig. Secondly, we bought some leather. Thirdly, I made the outer layer for that bodice I've been working on. The purple leather on the bodice is the same as what's above, it looks icky in the yellow lighting of our room. And the start of covering boots in the leather. These gave me conniptions this weekend.

More progress stuff

Didn't get a lot done last night. But! We did start wet-forming my gauntlets.

A bodice

I finished the base of the bodice for the 4th costume. That's just the interior, I still need to make the outer layer and get it attached, and then I can put the eyelets in the back. I'm waiting on my fabric, just ordered it today!


Yesterday was errand day - after breakfast and a haircut, we went to Tandy, Hobby Lobby, the wig store, and a shoe store. For me all of those were busts; didn't find anything at the wig store or shoe store, the only place i got something was Hobby Lobby. But, I got all the closures on the Zaphod jacket finished, and the front buttons sewn on. I started going through ...

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Runaway Bride Donna is done!

I finished up everything on Donna yesterday! Finished the petticoat, fixing a small issue on the outer skirt layer, rehemming the front (since I got shoes to wear with it now), and finishing the tiara. I just need to press it again, and re-sew down one bead in the front that's come loose. That's 3 I can say are 99% done! :) One, maybe two more to go! Well, three if you count ...

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This week

So here's a list of costume stuff I've gotten done this week: -bought stuff for a costume I wasn't planning on making - - -unfolded some material - - - - - -made a to-do list


Yesterday Chase and I went through a big list of costumes I knew I would have time to make and budget break-downs of each, and we came to a decision on a particular costume that, if I have extra time, I might make for Dragoncon. And then last night we went to the thrift store to find him some Zaphod pants, and I ended up coming home with a completely ...

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More progress stuff!

So yesterday after I got tired of fooling with the Zaphod jacket, I cleaned up my office and moved on to my other dragoncon project. Here's some pics. Sculpting a thing The bodice I was talking about That's actually the inside lining. I haven't gotten to the outer layer yet, but last night I got all of the pieces cut out, and the interior pieces boning & busk cut and ...

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Zaphod In-Progress

I've been trying to get Chase's Zaphod coat done over the weekend. It's mostly finished at this point; I need to press it again, and do the front closure. I don't have buttons for the front yet, so that'll have to wait. I miiiiight take the sleeves up a bit once we get the rest of it together. I think they're a little wide at this point. For the rest ...

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Donna Runaway Bride progress

Thanks to Chase being sick all last weekend and then me being home sick this week, I've nearly got the beading on Donna done! I threw it on this morning to see how it was looking. The train ended up being too long, but I'm not shortening it because I like it and it's pretty. Also, Kermit is sticking out of my head. So I've got left: -finish beading -finish ...

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