Zaphod In-Progress

I’ve been trying to get Chase’s Zaphod coat done over the weekend.

A test fit on the Zaphod jacket. Stlll working on the collar and other details but the basic jacket is | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

It’s mostly finished at this point; I need to press it again, and do the front closure. I don’t have buttons for the front yet, so that’ll have to wait.
I miiiiight take the sleeves up a bit once we get the rest of it together. I think they’re a little wide at this point.
For the rest of it, wig is on order, need to find sunglasses, a pair of pants to mod, figure out the belt and gloves and make a fake turtleneck for him to wear under it. But the jacket is the bulk of it, so as soon as I can get those last bits taken care of it, that’ll be another project off my list for the year.

to-do list updates on everything else:

Romana I:
Finish tacking down feathers on cape
attach brooch to front of the dress
find shoes to mod!

finish petticoat
finish putting together veil

Decide if I want a wig or not.

And beyond that, the last project for Dragoncon is hopefully getting underway on my end tonight. bodice making time 😛

  • Chase

    Youve done a simply fantastic job with this, youve handled the hurdles incredibly well. Fantastic job!