imagine a world where time has no meaning

because that is the world I am living in. It's like time stopped in March and there is nothing to delineate the days from each other except some days I have to sit at a work computer in one room and some days I lay on the couch with my switch. Like I go outside and it's like... how is it 90 degrees? It was just March and still cold out. ...

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sew what

Oh look another weekly blog post where I have nothing to talk about because I can't go anywhere and everything is canceled and I have no motivation to do anything. Well actually we did go to Home Depot last week. While there we got paint for the upstairs bathroom so we can finally start redoing it. I was going to clean the bathroom out so we could start painting this ...

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our watch has ended

Well mine never started because I didn't even watch last night's GOT finale. I haven't really watched much of GOT the last 2-3 seasons? And for this last season I got spoiled so didn't feel like watching it. Well, I got partially spoiled, then dived on into full spoilers because why not. LOL. But I keep seeing people talk about Sansa's costumes from the finale and I want to see ...

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Happy New Year!

Back at work and with my first migraine of 2017... UGH. In fact it was so bad that I typed that first sentence... sat here and stared at it, then just closed the window and saved it as a draft. Couldn't wrap my head around actually typing out everything it was so bad. Went home for lunch, took some more medicine, ate, slept for 10 minutes and came back feeling better. Or ...

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Dolores progress

I got a good bit of work done last night! I started out by first off - fixing my ceremonial Leia belt. I got it out to take a photo last night and discovered one of the button covers on the conchos had popped off and nowhere was to be found. First time that's ever happened with any of my Leia belts. Thankfully I have a gazillion extra of those ...

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Dressform Pics

Here's everything so far. I'm only missing 3 actually so maybe I should have waited, but our server is down at work and I'm bored. Belldandy and Urd from 2003 and 2002, respectively. These two costumes have really stood the test of time. I knew Belldandy was in good shape since I wore her to Momocon earlier this year, but Urd has been packed in a bag for several years. The cape's a ...

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FAQ Friday: Princess Leia Hairstyles – Ceremonial Leia Bun

Today I'm posting 3 separate FAQ Fridays - the ceremonial Leia hairstyle, slave Leia hairstyle, and Bespin Leia hairstyle! These 3 are all share a similar base, so I decided to post them all together. I apologize for being repetitious, but since these 3 tutorials share a common base, I'll just be copying some of the same directions and photos from the other guides. My notes for all of these Leia tutorials: -It's ...

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Friday I ended up staying home from work with an awful migraine that was making me sick to my stomach - I don't think the remnants of my head cold helped, either. Friday night I felt awful. So I was worried about Saturday! I had a friend's baby shower to go to in the morning, and Chase's birthday dinner that night, with MidSouthCon in between, so it was going to ...

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New photoshoots!

Did a new set of photos last weekend! You can see them either by clicking above, and they've been added to the portfolio pages for Valkyrie, Enchantress and Ceremonial Leia!

MTAC 2010, Trooping, Photoshoots… etc!

(This post may seem a little repetitive - this was ported over from my livejournal and recapped a lot of stuff I'd recently posted on my blog. Now that my LJ posts are part of my blog, it's very redundant!) A recap of recent costume-y stuff... MTAC came and went and we got stranded there an extra day because of the flood. It was all pretty icky, for everyone involved. ...

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