Dressform Pics

Here's everything so far. I'm only missing 3 actually so maybe I should have waited, but our server is down at work and I'm bored. Belldandy and Urd from 2003 and 2002, respectively. These two costumes have really stood the test of time. I knew Belldandy was in good shape since I wore her to Momocon earlier this year, but Urd has been packed in a bag for several years. The cape's a ...

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when mtac was over

We are leaving Nashville! I hate to leave this broadband connection behind... Yesterday was fun! Kevin got to go onstage in his Link costume, he loved it. I got Best Master Craftsmenship..... which was kind of a given since I was the only Master entered in Craftsmenship, lol. But still! We walked over to the Parthenon and took pictures yesterday (it was right across the street), they turned out really ...

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Katsucon 2004 pics!

I'm dead tired. I don't know how I made it through the weekend. I fell asleep in the room 3 times by mistake. But it was fun! I was part of a great AMG group for the masq, and I met lots of cool people and it was great seeing friends from other cons again. Not enough really happened to constitute a real report, though. Arwen Wedding Dress: I wore it ...

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belldandy & katsu 04 updates…

Woooo you can tell I've been busy... I've been getting a lot of stuff done but no time to make a post about it! (actually I just forgot) Bell is about... oh, maybe 85% done. I have to finish it today - this is my last day to work on it as I have to ship it out tomorrow. If you check my in-prgress tab for it you can see an ...

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Manga Belldandy sneak peek!

Here's a sneak peek... I didn't put the wig on but everything else is done!

when i went through a bunch of stuff

Yay! My elfwood gallery is updated! Now all my Zone47 stuff is in there with it - which I'm happy about because it seemed like zone47 was pretty ignored, I'd only get maybe 4-5 comments a year in my zone gallery. My loth gallery always got more attention, but after they took my HP stuff out of my gallery there wasn't much for people to comment on anymore! So now ...

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Manga Belldandy progress!

Here's the finished corset and skirt - still working on all the other stuff. And here's my jewelry! I picked this up at the mall a while back, it reminded me of Belldandy, so I saved them for this costume :)

Updates & Katsu 04 schedule

Finished Tohru - will update with pictures after the convention, but if you click on her in progress button in my gallery you can see the finished product. I finally found grommets the right size for Bell - will start putting them on tomorrow. Once that's done it's mostly just going to be little stuff left to do - details and what not, but THAT's the part that will take ...

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when i coughed up a lung

I have bruised my ribs coughing. But I'm finally starting to get better. Tomorrow is a big day! I'm really excited. I'll explain more later. Katsucon is weekend after next. Tohru is done except for one little thing, but I still have a lot to do on Belldandy. I'm really, really excited about it now, because I'm going to be part of a skit rather suddenly. I can't say anything ...

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