it’s dragoncon week sir

T minus 2 days and... we are done. Chase was going to do one more little detail thing to his Leto armor but decided not to. We are at that point. I had one more little beaded chain thing I should have added to Jessica (the part that goes around the fingers on the sleeves) but I was like eh fuck it. I want to be done LOL This last consisted ...

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living in the material world

Here we are again, another Monday of Dragoncon progress and nothing else to talk about. Seriously we're in con crunch mode now so neither of us have done anything but eat, sleep and work on dragoncon stuff. I was mostly churning out the Jessica headpiece. Here's what I started with. It's built around a headband with kobracast and worbla parts. (I started with kobracast, it was too flimsy, switched to ...

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what in the walmart

Coming down to the wire. I'm in much better shape this year than I was last year but still have a few major hurdles to get over in the next 2 weeks. Out of curiosity I had to go look at where I was this time last year and... uh, yeah I'd say I'm still in a slightly better place this year than last but not by much LOL At least ...

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hey macarena

Well here it is, Monday again. 3 weeks and some change until Dragoncon. In the realm of things that are annoying me currently -- I realized about 2 weeks ago that I only put in for Thurs & Friday of dragoncon to be off, somehow I missed the Wednesday. Not a big deal, I went in and added it... but still has yet to be approved. I'm going to give it a ...

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annoyed af

that's me today. everything is annoying. I got my replacement Dragoncon badge - found someone selling theirs on ebay. Now I have all 20. After this year I'm going to look at getting them all framed with my carpet piece. You ever make something and think "this is trash" and then 20 minutes later you're like "this is amazing" and then 20 minutes later back to trash? That's me with this thing. I ...

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my fair luna

Today is starting off great with multiple problems at work after a relatively quiet (aka no problems) couple of weeks. Why do things come in waves like this? Anyway, I won the Lucky Seat lotto to buy cheap tickets for My Fair Lady at the Orpheum. Mom and I are going and I'm mostly excited but also mostly anxious because last time I had to drive downtown it was an ...

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t minus 42 days

A little less than a month and a half to go before Dragoncon. I'm feeling the pinch. I also really need to figure out what I'm taking besides the new stuff. Ugggggggh Most of my progress this past week was on Padme but it's not a lot to show. I got the panel for the beading and embroidery made. Gargoyle Used the silhouette pen attachment to draw my beading/embroidery ...

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chrissy wake up

Sorry about last week's post. I think I got distracted before setting up a photo header and forgot to go back to it... I remember at one point going thru and closing tabs and seeing my wordpress edit area was still up and thinking that's weird... but surely I already published it. Thankfully it was saved in drafts so I was able to go in on my phone saturday, add ...

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what a weekend

7/9/22 - APPARENTLY I forgot to hit publish on this on Tuesday. Oops. Well here it is now. I backdated it to the date it was written. yall I am tired. Last week was spent getting the house ready for company. We got the backyard cleaned up, lights put up and ready to go. Friday Chase's sister and family arrived. We went out for pizza that night. Saturday they went down ...

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dragoncon 2022… plans?

hello i am here to ramble about dragoncon costume plans because this is what I do when I am anxious. It's now officially July and I have no idea what costumes I'm taking to dragoncon besides the 2 I'm working on. I've just been so tired since disney and so out of sorts since last year I just feel tired when I try to think about it. I've thought about a ...

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