Queen Amidala’s Parade Dress Hair Tutorial Part 2 – The Hairpiece!

So a couple of years ago I did a tutorial on how I did my hair for my Amidala Parade costume. I used my own hair, just put into little buns, teased, and pinned in a certain way. It wasn't perfect but it worked OK. I have been playing around with the idea of making a hairpiece for AGES. I started one back in 2010 when I was going to wear ...

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John Williams Tribute!

This weekend we got to do a really fun event - the Memphis Symphony Orchestra was doing a John Williams tribute and invited us out for it. Friday night we went up to the rehearsal to get an idea of what they wanted us to do. For each Star wars song they wanted a related character or characters onstage. For the prequel era we only had Amidala (me) and Jango. ...

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Photoshoot Stuff!! Part One

Sorry I haven't posted this week! It's been busy! This past weekend we did the symphony event -- which I'll talk about the next post -- and we'd originally planned to do this photoshoot before we left for the event Saturday night. But my tiara wasn't quite ready Saturday, and there was yardwork that needed to be done before the storms set in on Sunday. So we moved the photoshoot ...

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Sorry for broken images! (fixed!)

It would appear that something has changed in the way smugmug is allowing linking and a lot of my images are suddenly (and frustratingly) broken. I'm hoping it's maybe just a server issue and I won't have to go through and manually fix everything. My apologies until it's sorted out! Edit: All fixed! Thankfully it was just the most recent 3-4 posts being messed up so it was easy to ...

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Pink Palace event

Yesterday we did a little event at the Pink Palace! One of my fav places in the world. Since it was earlier in the day, Chase couldn't get off in time for it so mom drove us over. (After New Year's Eve I refuse to drive in costume unless I absolutely have to LOL) Since it was a Deep Space theme she wore her flight suit! (If you've ever wondered ...

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a hairpiece!

So as I mentioned earlier I've been trying to put together a hairpiece for my Queen Amidala costume. This is something I've tried to do for ages -- finally attempted it in 2010 but gave up. So here we are again. Trying to make a hairpiece for a 12 year old costume. But if I can make this work it means I don't have to torture my hair when I wear this. ...

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a weird weekend

I made a to-do list friday, let's see what I accomplished... Amidala: 1. Clean the dress. 2. Redye the lower petals. 3. Remake or fix current tiara. 4. Make a new hairpiece. Bespin Leia: 1. Shorten the tunic! 2. Fix my pleating. I guess half isn't bad. Friday is when I got most of that done. I hand-washed the dress in cold water with a little laundry detergent and hung it up to dry. It got ...

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a to-do list

I have a to-do list even though we're on the wrong side of the convention, haha. But I have a few things I need to get done over this weekend -- I'm doing an event in Amidala next weekend, so she needs some attention. And while I have it on we are going to do a white backdrop photoshoot, and also do Bespin Leia at the same time (and probably ...

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Trip Photos – Round 2

So I wrote the whole trip report out yesterday but of course I only had iphone photos. Today I have our photopass and Chase's pics uploaded! So here's a few. Kevin hadn't met Mr and Mrs Easter Bunny, and we were able to pretty much walk right up and get a photo with them the first day. Honestly I probably would've skipped even uploading this photo except the guy behind ...

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Home again

We're home! And I'm sick with a sinus infection AGAIN. I think I've come home with a sinus infection from at least 4 of our Orlando trips in the last year. This one is a real bear, it came on Friday night so all day Saturday and Sunday my face HURT. But I'll get to that later. Let's start at the beginning. As usual I only have my iphone pics for ...

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