turn around bright eyes

I'm not off work today unlike my entire family so I'll be watching the eclipse from the parking lot at work. And I don't have any glasses or anything so I won't actually see the eclipse. I do have some welding glass but according to what I've read it's not dark enough. And I also forgot to get new breakfast stuff to bring to work with me so no breakfast ...

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I have had an on and off again migraine for an entire week now. Rain keeps moving in/weather keeps shifting and it keeps making it flare up again. This is frustrating. I really don't have anything to share today. All of my progress pics are secret for the moment because they would give away what the pink thing is. I'll post them all closer to the con. Tuesday night ...

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i need a nap and pizza

Everything is back to normal in our house. Luna is no longer in hiding. We will try again after Dragon Con. I was just exhausted yesterday and ended up with another flipping migraine. Still got a decent amount of work done on the hat. Can't show any photos tho. Sorrrrrrrry. I bought some big pearls for this project and can't find them ANYWHERE. Chase is going to help me look ...

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rock and roll

So this weekend was...strange. Thursday I had a hair appointment after work -- to get my Mon Mothma wig trimmed! This was the before. I didn't think to take an after. He cut a lot off to thin it out! Looks much better! And also my ribbon for the white medieval dress came in: So pretty! I got some more done on the dress that night, too, but it ...

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a big white marshmallow

Got home from work yesterday and discovered that my fabric from Dharma for my 4th dragoncon costume had arrived! I got 10 yds of their "Essex" cotton/linen blend. It's really nice, I was really happy with it! Night before last I'd gotten all my pattern pieces out and ready so after dinner I got all the pieces cut out pretty quickly. I frankensteined two patterns together - McCall's M5155 and ...

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Hi! First up is the great news that my international shipment of stuff for the Pink Thing IS IN THE US!! It went through customs yesterday!! The projected delivery date was 8/8-8/22 and 8/22 was pushing it WAY too late so I'm so relieved that it's here in the states and hopefully will start moving my way later today/tomorrow. I wouldn't have had this problem if anybody in the US ...

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shiny sequence gown

I've spent the past few days working on the sequin applique for the bodice. I made a pattern, then cut that out of my leftover pink satin and the sequin fabric, folded the sequin fabric over the satin and stitched it down, pressed it, and then hand-sewed it into place. Then I went around the edges with my sequin trim. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I still ...

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get to work

So I had a long weekend; had friday off. Wednesday and Thursday I finished up my Bespin updates. Thankfully it ended up being easier (and quicker) than I expected. I took the trim off the tunic, opened it up at the back seam, flipped it and cut off three inches. Flipped back around, pressed it, tried it on - I had intitally been also planning to take up the side ...

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Guess what finally showed up today?!?! My fabric samples from 2 months ago. The envelope was obviously chomped up on one end so looks like it probably got pulled under a piece of machinery and probably got stuck. I've built the entire costume in the time it took USPS to find these and get them to me. I can finally put the denouement on my Swatch Watch 2017 post. Oh and guess ...

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in which I think about dragoncon

Didn't get a whole lot done last night. Well maybe kinda. Finished painting my shoes, got the lowest ruffle sewn on. Got the sequins sewn onto the straps and got the first line of sequins sewn across the top of the bodice. Had to handsew those so it took a little longer - I have to do one more line of them tonight. Also finish hand-sewing the top ruffle, and ...

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