a bunch of random non-costume stuff

I was digging through old hard drives yesterday looking for some old pics for a Christmas project and came across a bunch of random pics I’ve never uploaded for anything. So this is a post about that. If this isn’t interesting to you, sorry, it’s my blog I do what I want.

My wedding dress! I took these to show people on my wedding LJ back in 2008 but I never did.

Headshot of me from when I started current job

I don’t do costumes

I wish I’d bought this

Me and Ash playing Mario Kart at the old apartment

Me with the Elvis car, this was after my I’d had my “hair rehearsal” for the wedding so we wanted to go out while I had it looking nice.

This sketchbook

Back in 2009 Chase, Ash and I went out to Shelby Farms and did a sort-of “trash the dress” photoshoot… though my dress didn’t get trashed.
I was never happy with them because I had cut my hair off earlier that year and really didn’t like how it looked with my wedding dress. (no fault of the photographers’ at all, the pics are still pretty cool, just don’t like my hair.)


Indy and Kes

Kes in one of the planters we used for wedding decorations

Fun fact: Kes hates having her picture taken. Look how miserable she looked LOL

Calvin snug as a bug in a rug


We don’t have a lot of photos of Hobbes 🙁

My Indy

See? Kes looks miserable only because somebody is taking her photo.

Indy could open presents like nobody else

That’s all I’ll bore you with! Don’t worry, gonna make a second post today that’s nothing but costume stuff, coming right up…