the tortured kevins department

Hello, I don’t even know why I’m posting today because I have nothing of importance to share.

The only sewing update I have is that I got the pieces I’ve “finished” transferred to paper. I played around the lining layer and ended up adding an extra seam to help it fit better (since that layer won’t be seen anyway). I need to do one more test fit with it and then do the pattern for the outer layer with the gathers. After that all I stil need to do is figure out the skirt.

I’ve got more mock-up fabric coming this week but it’s not arriving til Thursday. Going to try to do what I can with what I have left, because I’m hoping to do a full blown mock-up of everything including self-linings with the new mockup fabric. I got 10 yards, so it’s going to be a test to see if the 10 yards of “real” fabric I have is enough.

Other than that, Kevin came over Friday. We watched the first 2 episodes of Fallout.

He helped us clean the garage Saturday morning.

His “reward” for helping us in the garage was going to Dave and Buster’s afterwards. Around noon we decided to wrap up the garage work by 12:30, so we could get cleaned up and head to Dave and Buster’s, because we didn’t want to be eating lunch at 3.

Well it took so dang long to get our food at Dave and Buster’s, we did eat lunch at 3. That sucked. It took an hour to get our appetizers and another half hour after that to get entrees. And then when we did get food we were all out of our drinks and had to flag somebody down to get us refills. Not fun.

But Kevin had a good time. They had this one axe-throwing game that had heavy rubber axes that you threw at a target – and he got 2 out of 3 bullseyes. I was impressed.

With his winnings he got 3 candy hamburgers. LOL
Took him home and since we ate lunch so late, we also ate a late dinner. Then I settled in to watch Late Night with the Devil which I’d been looking forward to. I’m not a big horror movie person, but occasionally one catches my interest and this one had several things going for it. I really liked it. It seems like it would make a great stage show.

Sunday I was going to do some more pattern work, but ended up getting sucked into a cleaning vortex and did a deep clean in our bedroom, including cleaning out my jewelry box which I haven’t touched in years, and getting out q-tips to get dust out of little areas on various collectibles on the shelves.

We ran some errands, came home, took a nap, had dinner, and by then it was 8 so I didn’t get any sewing stuff done, I crashed on the couch and drew on my ipad.

I guess one important thing I did this past week that should be mentioned here – I decided to officially retire from doing anything “official” at cons, and that means judging, guesting and panels. If interested you can ready my whole announcement here. It’s been a long time coming. I just keep pushing myself like I’m still 22 and I’m not. Doesn’t mean I’m old and infirm or anything LOL But I did decide to set this boundary so that I do have the freedom to come and go as a I need to. If my body is saying “I’m done” I can be done and not be stuck because I have a commitment.

Anyway that’s all for this week. Hopefully I’ll have some better sewing progress next week. And I do plan to keep working on getting the dapper day pieces up here, I keep forgetting to work on it.

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