what a weird week

No, i don’t have the christmas trees out yet – I probably mentioned it in the last post, but we got a new hot water heater last monday! YAY! Our old one hadn’t gone out yet, but it had gotten very inconsistent, like one time the water would be piping hot and then the next 5 days lukewarm. It’s nice to consistent hot water again.

But because we had to clear out the attic space for the install, everything that was in the attic got put in my sewing room.

It was annoying and made it hard to work in there, and it took us a few days to get everything put back in there.

Tuesday would have been Mema’s birthday, and Chase surprised me with some cards and the new Data ornament! I gotta put the batteries in him, so he can say his “Ode to Spot”

And a new magnet for Cooper!

When we’d go up to stay with my grandparents, they’d always want to go to Rafferty’s, and Mema would always get this chicken salad. So we went to Rafferty’s tuesday night and I got the chicken salad for Mema.

Got some new spot lights for the halloween decorations – these change colour! After this I made them all blue which i thought looked best on the tombstones.

And got some smaller spotlights for the front of the house to show off the stretching portraits.

Wednesday Chase was shooting the final dress of a play, and I tagged along, as did my parents. We went to dinner first, and as soon as we got to the restaurant, I felt something weird with my shoe.


I mean to be fair, these shoes are OLD. Ash outgrew them and gave them to me in like, 2000. I wore them with my first Sakura costume at animazement 2001, and with Mara Jade in 2005-2006. I’ve still occasionally worn them as regular shoes, but it’s been a while. I guess they finally gave up the ghost. I’m sad!

Can always count on a theater to have gaffers tape though!

I was hoping i could just send this one off to the cobbler to have the sole put back on. I’ve got another boot that needs to go in too. But when I got home I discovered the sole was also coming off the other shoe, but then worst of all, when i took the tape off, it ripped off the top layer of “leather” on the shoes. Boo!

Guess it’s time to invest in some proper, vintage Docs.

Thursday we had family dinner, and then friday was the only night we had free, so I worked on the Stevie outfit:

I decided to jettison the lining and see how the stretch velvet top would do if I sewed the sleeves directly to it. Seems to work ok – I think the stitching stabilizes it and keeps it from stretching from the weight of the sleeves.

Although without the lining i think this is the most “old school Kell sewing” I’ve done in a while LOL Literally it looks like I made it 15 years ago, the edges are all just turned down and top stitched. I will be doing the sleeve attachment and bottom hem by hand though.

I did get the sleeves hemmed over the weekend, just got to sew them in, and then finish the vest – I’m just sewing the front closure flap permanently closed since the whole thing is stretchy and i can pull it on over my head. Then I’ll hem it.

i have to say I’m amazed at how closely this black chiffon I got off amazon matches the black chiffon on this old skirt i’m modifying. The skirt was my grandma’s and she gave it to me yeaaaaars ago thinking i’d be able to use it for a costume – just took me a while 🙂 The new and old fabric look exactly the same, same weight, same texture, same opacity. Nice.

Anyway, I’ve got tonight, tomorrow and Friday night to finish it. Hopefully I can get a decent amount done tonight and I don’t have to work on it friday.

Saturday I had my first eye exam since 2009 LOL Chase got his first eye exam in… probably his whole adulthood LOL. We made back to back appointments and went in, because my eye sight has gotten so much worse the past few years and my old 2009 glasses don’t really help. So I knew I needed a new rx. Chase got a clean bill of eye health, no glasses needed. I gotta pic something out and stop wearing these glasses from 1995.

But that took up most of Saturday, then had to go grocery shopping, and then got home and washed both cars.

Baby’s first bath

After the Cooper dried off, we put it’s new car cover on so it doesn’t get gross from the tree again.

Sunday went to visit my grandma, went out to my parents’ house to see the cleaned up yard.

Another busy week ahead and me on a tight deadline (saturday!) for this Stevie outfit. I’m ready to take a little sewing break after this, I’ve been going nonstop for months….