wait for me

Well let’s talk this week about the fact that I still don’t have my Marvel art to show yall. I actually did finish all 24 characters last week like I said, but then when I started putting them all together I decided i needed 4 more, 24 didn’t fill the space correctly. I did 3 over the weekend so i’m working on the last one – Valkyrie! – tonight. But if you really want to see I did post some sneak peeks on instagram last week.

I haven’t touched the Leia dress. Decided I needed a lighter weight lining material and wanted to cut it out the same time as the bodice, and i didn’t go to Joann til yesterday.

I also wanted to get the organza for the Leia dress – I’ve had a Joann gift card since Christmas 2020 that I still haven’t used, because everytime I go to buy something “major” they don’t have what I need, and that’s what happened here too. No sparkle organza. So I just got the lining for the dress, some stuff for another art project i’m working on (a present, no pics yet), and a yard of Muppets fabric for new Minnie Ears.

I meant to look at the trim while i was there to see if they had something I liked better for Utena’s shoulder epaulets but completely forgot. Ugh. I have the trim i’ve been working on but twisting them hasn’t been going well and it’s making my fingers hurt. I just wanted to see if there were any other options out there. Also I’ve just never liked the look of the fabric of the trim I got, it looks very matte and cotton-y? Like I liked my glossy looking old ones better.

I just went and shopped for different fringe trim for 20 minutes. Haaaa. I found something I like better. It’d take a week to get here but at this point I’m so late with finishing this costume what’s another week…

Ok so that’s the update on creative projects. Yeah I know there were no pics. Oh well.

Ok so life updates, let’s start with the good. Ash won the lottery tickets for Hadestown! So we went on Tuesday!

We had dinner at the Majestic then went to pick up tickets, and Ash realized she’d forgotten her wallet, so had no ID to show them to pick up the tickets. Thankfully they accept her facebook as proof of ID LOL

We were all the way to one side but THIRD ROW! No one was in the front row (I don’t think they seat anyone there because of the speakers), and after intermission the people in the second row didn’t come back. So while we couldn’t see part of the stage because of the angle we still had a really good, upclose view and it was so so so good. Like I walked out of it absolutely loving it but it stuck with me even more than I expected and I can’t stop thinking about it. I thought about trying to get tickets to go see it again but didn’t (but Ash did, she went again last night! LOL)

Also I curled my hair for the event… with an actual hot curling tool which I NEVER do because it NEVER works. But mom got me one of those terrifying hair curlers that sucks your hair into it and curls it for christmas. And it actually worked???

Ignore pajamas

Like it actually curled my hair and my hair actually held the curl and was still wavy the next day?? Wow. that’s exciting that I can apparently actually curl my hair without sleeping in rollers or pincurls. (Like literally yall I spent years trying to curl my hair with hot rollers or curling irons and it never worked or held so I’m genuinely amazed)

So that was the good fun part of the week.

On Thursday we were scheduled to have freezing rain/ice. It hadn’t really gotten bad yet by the time it came for Chase to go to work so he went. I was working at my work computer and kept hearing branches falling.

This pine in the backyard dropped a few decently sized branches while I was downstairs fixing breakfast.

I came back upstairs and was working and heard a loud WHOMPH louder than regular branches. I looked outside the front windows, nothing, ran through my sewing room to look at the side yard, nothing, came through the kitchen and living room and wasn’t seeing anything, it wasn’t til I got to the where I could see out the sunroom windows that I saw we had a tree on that side fall.

I couldn’t get it all in a photo so here’s hoping this video works.

One of our bigger trees, fell right between our house and the neighbors house. Our roof got hit by branches, bending a gutter and scraping some shingles. And it fell where it was blocking our neighbor’s garage door.

I called Chase and he came home. He got the chainsaw and me and our neighbors started hauling branches to the street. My uncle was able to get his handyman friend to come over with a better chainsaw and within 2 hours we had the neighbor’s garage cleared and the tree at least cut up for removal.

Then the handyman told us to go inside and not mess with it anymore, he said it was too dangerous to be out – it was still raining and there were still branches coming down everywhere.

About an hour later this massive branch in the front yard fell:

I know it doesn’t look that big in this photo, but it’s HUGE and heavy. It’s basically a baby tree. And the leading edge that hit the ground first was buried nearly 2 ft deep in the mud.

And by the time the rain stopped that first pine I mentioned had more branches on the ground than on the tree.

Some of our other trees were leaning pretty badly under the weight of the ice, so going to bed that night was scary, but thankfully we didn’t lose any others. We also never lost power which is crazy, we were lucky.

Later that night our neighbors had a tree fall, a smaller one thankfully, but ironically it landed in their driveway again.

(that’s a basketball goal knocked over on the left side)

Saturday I worked on the art present project most of the day.

Sunday we ran some errands then came home and started doing some yard clean up.

my log has a message for you

It warmed up enough that the ice was melting off the trees, but it was coming down still in chunks of ice, it looked like it was raining glass. This is all little chunks of ice out of the trees.

the stump of the broken tree. It apparently had rotten roots. A rotten root? I don’t know trees, this is just what the handyman told us. But as you can see the stump is pretty hollow.

I feel like pics aren’t really doing this justice, the stump is so deep. If I got into it it would probably come nearly to my hips.

In other news about a week ago my grandma – the one that lives with my parents – fell in the bathroom. Trying the avoid the trauma of having to take her to the ER, they instead went to a clinic that specializes in injuries/etc that takes walk-ins (its where Chase goes for all of his back stuff). They got her in and diagnosed her with a “coccyx contusion” and put her on strict bed rest for 2 weeks. This didn’t go great. The clinic got her a home health referral so they had people coming during the day to help, but when they weren’t there my parents were having to lift her and change bed sheets, etc. And my grandma has bad dementia so she couldn’t remember she wasn’t supposed to be up and walking so she’d try to get up, etc. My parents were at their wits end and then the ice storm came through, and they lost power. That whole night they said she was waking them up calling for help every 2 or so hours.

So on Friday they decided to call an ambulance and send her to the ER. ER wouldn’t let anyone come in with her. It took a day to get her in a room, but the ER confirmed she had a fracture in her sacrum the clinic didn’t catch. So she’ll be in the hospital for a few days and then to rehab for PT. Thank goodness, because her care at home was beyond any of us.