weird & wacky

When you have so few pics for today’s post that you don’t even have a good one for a header…

So what a freaking weird weekend it was. I don’t actually have a lot of photos to show today.

Last week I focused on finishing up Crusher – I got the shoulder pads in, shortened the sleeves, got the magnets set in for the communicator, ended up taking up the leg seams a bit and installing the elastic for the stirrups. I also switched out the hook and eyes on the collar for magnets. Much easier.

I do at least have pics of the wig, which I also finished:

Rolled it with some big curlers – just put flat iron in the center section as I rolled them up, then pinned them til they cooled. Worked pretty good.


So she’s totally done and I can mark her off my list. Thursday I got the rest of my fabric for lake dress… but haven’t done anything with it yet. Friday we had dinner – the movie Chase is working on had the whole cast in for dinner at a nice restaurant so we went and had a long, very good dinner. But of course it was late by the time we got home so no sewing that night.

Saturday they were filming one more scene and using our house, and also showing some finished pieces… so I dipped out and went to my parents house for the day. Had breakfast with them, watched some tv, got my beading on Hera finished.

Hung out with Skye.

Also took another car load of stuff home… I keep saying “one more car load” but this time when I say it, it’s true – there should really only be one more car load. THIS car load was a lot of loose items – there was 1 medium sized bin, a couple of wig boxes, then a TON of helmets, hats, small fabric bins, time lord collar, various pieces like that. So it filled up the car faster than I thought I wasn’t able to take the last couple of things – 2 more helmets, 2 sets of wings, and one more bin (not costume stuff – photos). I’ll be so glad to have it all back at the house. After Dragoncon I’ll work on finishing up the closet so everything has a place.

Here’s the finished beading on Hera:

Pretty happy with that.

I was planning on sewing Saturday night but when I got home after the filming stuff was over, Chase wanted to go see Lion King. He’s been really excited about the movie and we hadn’t gotten to see it yet so we went. Got dinner close by the house and went to the theater closest to the house. We ended up in a theater that had not one but two disruptive sets of children in the theater. The first set was in the row right in front of us; a family with (at least?) 2 kids, neither of whom were interested in the movie. With the new stadium seating/recliner chairs, it’s really hard to see somebody in front of you unless they stand up. And this kid was standing on his chair (blocking my view in particular, I finally told him to sit down). After he stopped standing on the chair he started just wandering up and down the stairs on the side of the seats. The other kid was just continually making noise, whining and obviously too little to be in the theater.

The other set was further down from us, but had 2 kids – not sure if it was both kids or one, but they kept YELLING comments and questions during the movie – no exaggeration. Then started beating on something like a drum. After that started, somebody got up to complain, because an usher came in and somebody said “They’re over there!” and the usher went in and knelt next to them. After he left they quieted for a few minutes then started again, the usher came back. After he left again, they got up and I thought thank god they are leaving. Nope they went to the bathroom and came back and while the drumming didn’t continue, the occasional questions did.

So Chase and I made the call that we would no longer be going to Disney or Pixar movies at our local theater – we’d be going to Studio where the age demographic scews older.

Lion King was fun, otherwise. Enjoyed it. Hated that they basically cut Be Prepared? And for me, in my top 5 all-time favourite Disney songs is “He Lives In You” from the broadway Lion King and really WISH they’d stuck that in the scene where Simba is going home. From what I understand it’s on the soundtrack but not in the movie (guess maybe in credits?) For me “Circle of Life” is the opening statement of the movie and “He Lives In You” (the reprise) is where Simba finally understands it. Anyway, I’m rambling.

Yesterday was going to be a big day! Started out the day in my sewing room with Chase messing with my new silhouette and me finally dragging out Crait Leia to finish up.

Then we headed out for some errands. Chase’s back has been bothering him, he threw it out a couple of weeks and it’s been off and on since then. But yesterday it suddenly ramped up like crazy and he was in a lot of pain. We went on to the apple store because we were BOTH upgrading our phones… I finally have a new phone!! YAY! I’ve had my 6 since I lost my previous phone at MCFC 2016. I cracked it last year, had to have the battery replaced last year, and it’s been hanging by a thread. I didn’t have room for anything on it, constantly having to delete photos and couldn’t keep a lot of music on it. And had to keep it constantly plugged in – pretty much everyday it’s already at like 30% by 9 Am so I have a plug at work.

So I updated to a 10. I got the smaller sized one. And then just picked up a basic case at target afterwards.

Got home from errands, I worked on Crait Leia a little more – got the second sleeve basted on (there’s no way I’d be able to get in through the machine pinned – it’s too heavy and unwieldy and I’d have ended up with burbles). Then Ash came over to show us the basics of the silhouette – since she has one and knows it pretty well. She showed that to Chase while I finished them hem of the Crait Leia robe by hand – which is the above photo, after I’d finished that.

So all that’s left on the crait robe is to machine sew that sleeve down – just need somebody to hold it while I do it – and then I need to see if I want to try to tack down the front edge of the robe or not. And finish styling the wig and I can call it done. Hopefully can finish it tonight so I can move on to Padme fully?

Anyway, cooked dinner and Ash ate with us then headed home. Chase’s back was getting slowly worse. Was hoping it would get better after resting overnight, got him set up with a heating pad and some medicine. But it just got worse overnight. So he stayed home today and is going to the doctor. Here’s hoping it’s nothing too bad.

So updated sewing to-do list:

finish sewing arm gauntlets
spray paint vinyl pieces
make crown pieces/earrings
hook and eye on back of belt

Crait Leia:
Machine sew right sleeve
Press hems
top stitch front edge?? maybe can get it to press well enough
finish styling wig

Get final outer dress piece cut
Gather sleeve edges/Sew panels together
Make trim/attach it
Finish underdress – get lining sewn in, tack down darts, attach collar
Style wig
ok this to-do list is to long to do properly. I really need to dig in next weekend.