a few last minute pics

AHHHH god I still have to work today.

I’m off at 2 and we’ll probably hit the road at like 5 or so, so we won’t be into Atlanta until very late.

I figured I’d post my last handful of progress photos.

Finished necklace! Well, mostly, I was about to glue the necklace chain in place. Chase got the mother of pearl sheets cut into the shapes and attached, edges painted gold. I bought a necklace closure at HL and just glued it onto the back (superglue on the bottom, coated in hot glue on the top, and then covered in a line of felt so it’s not digging into anything)

Armbands are finished too but I didn’t take a pic before packing them.

I had a list of things to finish last night, mostly last bit of packing/washing hair, etc. But I was especially waiting on UPS to show up with my replacement Carrie wig. They showed up at like 5:30 so after dinner I quickly ran it upstairs…

Out of the bag

Changed the part, gave it a quick trim and curling of the bangs. I didn’t do any colour this time. I was tempted to try to dye it again but I figured let’s not push our luck…


I was totally done by like 8:30.

Well, I’ll have a few things to do when I get home this afternoon; packing my toothbrush and medicine and ice bricks into my cooler. But that’s it!

I’m ready to hit the road. Have fun with my friends and wear my costumes. 18th Dragoncon! LET’S GO!