walking the children in nature

what a week!
I am a permanently exhausted pigeon.

Since I last left off, Scott got in Tuesday! Chase took the rest of the week off so the two of them could go get in to trouble and just hang out. Meanwhile I still had to work and was up at 5:30 every morning so I could work extra to be off Friday. UGH.

But look what came in the mail last week!

We FINALLY got a 3d printer. Chase has been wanting one for ages. This should be fun.

I got Misato finished up. Left off a few details – was going to put a half a zipper down the right side and the “closures” on the collar but left them off. Was tired of working on it and it was finished enough.

Moved back over to Hera:

After a couple of nights of messing with it I’ve determined the cotton I bought for lining it/providing shape for the flimsy outer material is not going to be enough. Going to go find some taffeta – I did a mockup of one side with the lining in taffeta and it worked much better. Only had enough for one side though, and of course I want it all to be the same taffeta! (And also, not hot pink.) I’m trying to get Chase and Scott to go get the taffeta for me today so I can have it home and ready to work on tonight LOL

Chase picked these up for me last week. Love the cover of the Star Wars one!

And also got this in the mail! Yay! I was wondering where mine was. Turns out it went to my parents’ house. I haven’t used that address for Dragoncon stuff for probably 10 years LOL.

AND Look at this gorgeous shirt I got from Laserbrain Patch Co!

I LOVE the fit of it. Almost went up to a large just because I wanted it to be loose-fitting, glad I didn’t, I’d have been swimming in it!

So Friday I was off work for Anime Blues Con! We got up Friday morning and went over and picked up Kevin, then got some donuts and headed home to get ready for the con. I did my makeup in my sewing room, which I really like except for forgetting this or that and having to get up and walk back to the bathroom to hunt for it. But the lighting is better and I can sit.

I was originally going to wear Fires of Pompeii Donna… but decided nah…. even at a Doctor Who shoot sometimes people don’t get I’m somebody in costume LOL. So I went with regular Leia since I hadn’t gotten to wear it with the new boots yet. Also easy enough to change out of in the car so we could go to dinner afterwards.

Headed downtown, got our badges.

Kevin opted for no costume this weekend. Since Scott was here for the con, he wanted to be comfy so they could just play video games in the game room all weekend. I did throw him in his X-Wing shirt to match me tho.

I actually played some games in the game room too! Kevin and I played Mario Kart. LOL. I forgot how much I enjoy Mario Kart, I think I’ll get the wii hooked up next week when he’s staying with us so we can play some more.

Some quick Leia pics.

After that we had pre-judging for about an hour and then we were all starving, so we left, I changed into regular clothes in the car, and we headed to Broad to try out Lucky Cat Ramen for the first time. Been wanting to go for a while now and figured this was a good opportunity!

It was REALLY good.

Then we were all exhausted so we went home… Chase and Scott went to try to work on the 3D Printer but were too tired. Kevin and I tried to watch a movie but were too tired. I was in bed by like 8:30 LOL.

Which was good because I had to get up early Saturday morning to get into costume for the day. I wore updated Ewok Leia – I curled the hair of the wig again and I had the new sandals!
Unfortunately Saturday morning was a bit disastrous, I could not get my lashes to cooperate, I got lash glue in my eye, finally ended up putting on an old pair that were a bit chunky looking but at least they stuck. But my eye watered ALL DAY LONG. By midday I had to just take them off because the problem side was coming off, I had visible lash glue and had dried salt around my eye from my constant eye-watering. UGH.

So with all that drama, the only pic I got was a couple of selfies. I’ll have to throw it back on and wear it again in the future for more pics.

So I spent all day prejudging (and dabbing my watering eye), while the boys went and played more video games, shopped in the dealer’s room, they had a pretty fun day overall.

Scott wore his Vergil costume and got to get some pics with some other Devil May Cry cosplayers.

After prejudging was over THANKFULLY we were able to get into our hotel room before 4, so I ran over and quickly changed into Misato.

Overall very happy with it.
But funny thing…. I went with this wig instead of my original purple wig because when I shot the old 2002 costume on the white backdrop, I used both this newer, natural black wig and the purple wig for photos. Just switched them out. The natural black wig looked a lot better on me, and the purple wig tended to make me look like I had no neck. So I decided to use this one because I figured it must be more flattering for my shape. Well I ended up looking like I had no neck anyway. Boo.
Also I totally forgot to put on my necklace because I was in such a hurry and didn’t realize until way later after I’d already changed out of it.

Costume contest started earlier this year which was nice!

Also it was decided I was the Randy of the judges. I’ll take it. “It’s a no from me dawg” LOL

I have a bunch of pics in my ABC gallery here! My phone didn’t really want to cooperate a lot of the time, wanting to blow the photos out or just not focus. But did my best because it was helpful to have photos on my phone during the last part of judging.

Also I’m going to repeat what people were constantly saying to me back when I was doing costume contests… slow down on stage! I know it feels like you’re up there forever and it’s awkward (and for me I just wanted it over with quickly), but take you time, hit your poses and give people a chance to see your whole costume.

After the contest we were all starving again LOL and nobody wanted hot dogs again and nobody wanted to order food… and nobody wanted to eat at the overpriced restaurant in the hotel. So Chase and Scott ran to get McDonald’s while i went to change.

One more mirror selfie.

Didn’t sleep well at the hotel Saturday night. Kinda wish we hadn’t spent the money on it and had gone on home. We got up early Sunday morning, checked out, took Kevin home and went home… and I went right back to bed. I was still totally exhausted. And the incoming storm was making my head hurt.

After a bit we got up and ran to the mall and picked up lunch. Then came home and I went back to sleep. LOL.

Sunday afternoon I finally got up to my sewing room, cleaned up a bit and worked on Hera a little… thats when I decided I needed to switch to a taffeta lining. So after I kinda got “stuck” on that I switched back over to the lake dress and decided to try to cut out the new mockups for the outer dress.

This is the ugliest greyish-“nude” shiny cheap lining I’ve ever seen LOL. Not going to use it for anything else so might as well figure out the lake dress back in it.
You can see a place where I added an extra strip at the back to make the sleeve/side panel longer on one side. Not sure I’m going to keep that, it’s changing the hem shape from straight to curved by adding that. Going to play with it some more this week.

And late last night our first 3d printed thing finished!

So cool!

This week back to business as usual… clean up ABC stuff, get back to work on Dragoncon stuff… I’ve got to get my head back in the game.