site updates

Well because I was so lazy about taking photos of my own costumes I’m finding it really hard to update my portfolio! I don’t have good enough pics to make the website pieces.

Chase said we could do a photoshoot of all 4 of my new costumes soon, so I will probably hold off ACTUALLY updating until I have those photos. But in the meantime my portfolio pages are up… they’re just not linked anywhere, and missing the headers.

TFA Blue Dress Leia
Mon Mothma
Medieval Leia

So they’re there if you want to read construction stuff.
I wrote them out a while back, so all I had to do was plug in the few photos I had. Once I have updated photos I’ll make the rest of the website pieces and get them linked and all that kind of stuff.

Tomorrow I’m taking another little road trip! To Nashville! Watch my IG for it all.