Photoshoot Stuff!! Part two

I got the rest of my photoshoot stuff uploaded over the weekend!

First up is Bespin Leia.

Some thoughts.
I took the length up of the tunic a bit for the photoshoot but it created too much fabric at the waist/belt-line and looked sloppy šŸ™ I think I just need to take the whole thing apart and go back to like, step 2 – take the sides up a little, remove some length again, etc. Try to make it look a little less sloppy.
I may also need to take the pants up a bit, but that’s like, least important right now.
I need to repleat the front panels of the cape. Right now the front embroidered panels are falling into a “rut” caused by the pleats being too close to them. I’m also frustrated by the cape wanted to curl outwards, showing more of the lining in the front than the front embroidered panel. I’m going to have to play with that a bit.
Finally I’ve realized the edge coming over the shoulder of my yoke piece is too long. I don’t have any more fabric to remake it from scratch… all I could really do at this point is to take the trim off, try to open up the edge along the shoulder, pick out some of the quilting lines, and trim it. Then careful fold it back in and try to stitch it closed right along the edge, hopefully where the stitch lines would be hidden by the trim.
To summarize: Ugh.
Honestly I kinda feel like I did a nice job on the embroidery and then F-ed it up in the last stage of putting everything together. I’m going to get my sewing room cleaned up this week so I can start playing with again next week :\

And onto less whiny things… here’s Amidala!

Although if I really wanted to get technical I could do the same whining here over various nit-picky things but I won’t because that’s sooo 13 years ago LOL
I’m so glad to finally have Amidala backdrop photos done!! The new tiara looked good, my new hairpiece looked good (although it was sitting a little crooked at the start of the shoot but after looking at the pics on Chase’s camera I was able to readjust it).

So I’ve asked Chase if we could really tackle doing some more backdrop shoots the rest of the year. We only did ONE all of last year, and at that rate I’ll never finish.
I made a list last week of what I have left to shoot:
1. Galadriel
2. Edith
3. Georgian Belle (need to fix the wig)
4. Janet Snakehole
5. Dr Forrester
6. Emma Frost (corset version)
7. Rose Tyler
8. Marie Antoinette TARDIS (second version)
9. Wonder Girl (will need to put the pants/belt buckle back together)
10. Julia
11. Classic Black Canary
12. comic book Starfire
13. Giselle
14. Kingdom Come Wonder Woman (need to fix wing harness)
15. Marasiah Fel
16. Glinda (will have to repair crown)
17. Dorothy
18. Doll Poncho Leia
19. Stormtrooper (need new backplate)
20. Cartoon Starfire
21. Yuuko
22. Wedding Padme (need new wig)
23. POA Hermione
24. AOA Shadowcat
25. Hild
26. Manga Belldandy
27. Loyalist Committee Padme
28. Susan Sto Helit
29. Teela (need to find Orko)
30. Blossom
31. Asuka’s plugsuit
32. Yuffie
33. Amalthea
34. Arwen’s Chase Dress
35. Sakura School Uniform (need new turtleneck)
36. Rally Vincent Black Outfit
37. Padme Lake Dress version 1
38. Ocha
39. Lina Inverse
40. Urd
41. Buffy
42. Xiaoyu
43. Lulu (may need repairs first)
44. Misato
45. Rally Vincent
46. She-Ra
47. Elf Capes
48. Utena version 1
49. Ruby Moon (need to restyle wig)
50. Selphie
51. Bat Thief Sakura (will need some reconstruction)
52. Beatrix (will need some reconstruction)

And I also made a big SAD FACE list of costumes I cannot shoot on the backdrop at all šŸ™
1. Werewolf Belle – took it apart. the corset doesn’t exist anymore and I think I threw some of the hairy pieces away.
2. Padme Lake Dresses 2, 3 and 4 – don’t have them anymore šŸ™
3. Belle Village Dresses 1 and 2 – sold them šŸ™
4. Ceremonial Leia 2005 – sold it!
5. Dazzler – roller skates broke. Not gonna by new ones just for a photoshoot. Maybe I could shoot it with my plain silver boots for posterity.
6. Black Dark Phoenix – it only exists as red now!
7. Quidditch uniform – lost the cape and sold the rest šŸ™
8. Ruby Heart – the vinyl of the cape and hat is completely shredded. Threw the hat away last time we cleaned out the garage.
9. Naru – sold it.
10. Lara Croft – don’t have any of this anymore.
11. Original Hermione – sold the sweater/skirt and cape got updated to POA.
12. Cammy – sold it
13. Milly – trench is gone.
14. Ranma – sold it
15. Wolfwood – gone
16. Chairperson – gone
17. Sailor Moon – gone
18. Sailor Mars – sold it
19. Piper – sold the wig, rest is gone
20. Britan – Sweater is gone
21. Sailor Jupiter – it’s eternal now and we can’t go back.

Oh my gosh this was such a whiny post between Bespin Leia whinings and sad face I can’t shoot these costumes because they’re GONE list LOL
I’m allowed to whine sometimes though, it’s therapeutic.