Long weekend was long

But not long enough… back at work today and it’s rough 🙁

So what all did I get up to this weekend… well starting with Thursday night, Chase and I went to the High School Musical Theater Awards. It was supposed to have been me and mom going, because one of the schools we did costumes for was nominated for Best Costumes (well, it was mostly mom this time around — Bespin Leia had me too busy to do much). But then mom couldn’t go so Chase and I went. It was fun.

Then Friday I was off work! Yay! This was one of the days I just kinda randomly picked to be off work at the beginning of the year, and I’m glad I did because it was great having a 4 day weekend. I was going to take Kevin swimming.. but the few days before that had been a little chilly (like 60s) so the water was not warm enough to swim 🙁 Boo!

I hung out with Daisy for a while though.

Then I met up with mom and Jean to go to lunch, and Chase got off at noon so we all met up together… and just as we sat down to eat, my aunt and uncle walk in. So we had a big lunch group LOL

Friday night I was still stuck on all of my projects so then I realized hey – that old 2006 Padme lake dress fabric would totally work for the Mon Mothma I’ve been wanting to do…

I just draped the fabric on to get an idea and I have just he right amount of fabric. Yay! It’s very thin and also very stretchy so I’m going to need to line it… add that to the Saturday’s to-do list…

Saturday it was back to Joann and I was not happy. I had a list of 5 fabrics to look for, some of them SUPER basic — and only found 1. I needed white spandex. They had NO spandex whatsoever. I needed pink satin. All they had was fuchsia/hot pink or super pale pink. There was absolutely no like, basic pink. Nothing. I was so ticked off. Mostly because I didn’t have 6 other Hancock Fabric stores I could go to instead anymore.

Just having one fabric store is so not working for me.

So yeah all I got was the lining for Mon Mothma. Oh and Simplicity was on sale for 99 cents so even though I was just complaining about how I was out of pattern storage space, I bought 10 more.

I was so frustrated by the fruitless Joann trip we even went to Walmart afterward to look at THEIR fabric selection… and they DID have some pink satin but it was honestly the nastiest looking satin I’ve ever seen so I did not buy any.

Then onto the library! When we did that event at the Germantown library for May 4, I realized how much I missed going to the library. Haven’t seen my library card since around 1999 I’d say. So I got online and signed up for a new card, but had to go in and finish the registration within 30 days. So we headed up to the local branch to finish that up.

I was expecting them to tell me I had $75 in late fines I had to pay before they’d give me a card. Ha.
I forgot how much I miss libraries!! I got a couple of costume books. And Disney War, which I’ve had on my list to read for ages and just stumbled across, it was meant to be.

Then I went and met mom and jean at the wig store! Mom needed a wig for the play she is in so we got to play dress up with different wigs. This is what she ended up getting:

And I need to remember to go there for natural tone wigs in the future, I never think of it — but they have good prices on them.

While we were there, I bought a brown clip-on ponytail. Experimented with using it for new Leia buns — now that I’m back to brunette I needed to replace my old extensions and wanted to try something different. But that’s a post all on its own.

Saturday night I missed around with Mon Mothma some more. Got the front pieces lined and the shoulder seams gathered:

Saturday night a huge storm blew through and knocked power out for something like 180,000 houses?? Trees were down everywhere and even today they are still out trying to fix stuff. Thankfully we never lost power. We went to church Sunday morning and it was a ghost town, I’ve never seen that few people there.

Then ran a few errands and decided to see what Ikea’s fabric section looked like.

I ended up buying this brown cotton for my Mon Mothma skirt. It’s a little too heavy though. I may be rethinking this.

Then I headed over to my parent’s for dinner and to help mom with sewing her costume stuff for her play.

We were making a purple sequin top and leopard print shorts LMAO

I’ve mentioned this before, but here it is again — when I moved out in 2008, I kinda left my closet the way it was. I just took my clothes and shoes and left everything else. Everytime I go over, I take something else from the closet. Here’s what it currently looks like:

There’s still books, toys, sketchbooks, drawing supplies, games, etc in there. One day I’ll come over and pack it ALL up and take it home — but that probably won’t be until we have a brand new house that has more room for that kind of stuff.

The posters on the wall are a serious 2002-2005 time capsule.

And then we made Dad and Chase put on the other wigs mom had gotten for the play.

Yesterday we worked on Chase’s office most of the day. We’ve been trying to redo it for a while. We finally got a lot of it moved out in the hallway and got the one wall painted he wanted to do darker. Progress, yay! I didn’t take any pics of that tho.

I worked on Mon Mothma some more. Got the excess cut off, sides sewn together:

And then got the lining sewn in the sleeves and started playing with them:

I got them pleated up the way I wanted and sewn in but when I tried it on, it was pulling and hanging wrong so I took them off. In the pic above I’d just pinned them onto the dressform under the armhole. I think the problem is that I had the sleeve attached too far forward. Going to try again tonight.

The lining wasn’t enough to make it not see-through, though. Going to have to buy a white shirt to wear under it. Not that much different than Leia tho!

So here’s my current work list:
Padme’s Lake Dress version 5 – no rush. Not planning on having this for dcon or anything (tho it would be nice). Need dress fabric and satin edging for outer dress. May also buy new panels of fabric for the two side back pieces.

TFA Leia Dress – fabric sample came and won’t work. Too shiny. Still on the hunt for fabric for the outer dress. I can do a mock-up of the inner and outer dresses but that’s about all I can do – I don’t want to dye anything until I have both fabrics in hand.

Mon Mothma – Still working on the tunic. May look for different brown fabric for the skirt. Even after a wash in fabric softener it’s still really stiff. Also need silver braid for the necklace piece thing and start looking for a wig, too.

Pink thing – I am totally stuck on this. My fabric swatches STILL HAVEN’T GOTTEN HERE. It’s been 2 weeks and they’ve been IN Memphis for most of that time! It updates every few days that it’s in transit to destination. They must have just tied the envelope to the collar of a dog and they’ll show up when the dog figures out how to read addresses.
Plus Joann not having any pink satin. Urrrrrrgh.

So I’m heading up to Jackson this weekend for the Generals Star Wars night — I’m going to hit up the Joanns up there beforehand and see if maybe they have some different stock. I just really, really hate ordering BASIC stuff like white spandex or pink satin online because you have to get a swatch first and then you probably can’t use a coupon unless it IS from like Joann’s online blah blah blah blah blah