VisionCon 2017!

I’ve mentioned it before but here’s my whole big post about it!

I will be a guest at VisionCon in a few weeks, Feb 24th-26th!
I’m super excited. I have never been to VisionCon and everything I’ve seen looks awesome and the con staff have been wonderful to work with already!

I will have a booth in the exhibit hall all weekend and as long as I’m not at a panel/event or changing costumes, you can find me there! I’ll have my full printed portfolio for anyone to peruse and I’m bringing my dressform along so I can have another costume displayed there at my booth!

So far I know that on Saturday I have a Q&A at 1:45, and on Sunday at 10 I’ll be doing a photo-op!

I have no clue when I’m wearing what costumes — though I have finally hammered out a line-up:

Buuuut that’s not all of them, I’m going to bring 12-13 total. A few backups and a couple only for display on the dressform (won’t be wearing them).

I think for the Q&A Saturday you might see me in Marie Antoinette (or the pink Georgian if I can get it fixed in time to take it at all), and for the Photo-op either Anne Boleyn or… regular ANH Princess Leia because I’m kinda thinking about bringing that one, too. OH gosh I thought I had this list whittled down but I keep thinking of new things I might want to bring.
Or I could smash them up together and wear my Leia belt and buns with Anne… and my silver and white Marie Antoinette underskirt… I need to stop.

Also another fun little thing, I’ll be bringing Bespin Leia along with me – it’s not anywhere near finished, but I thought I could do some embroidering while I’m at my booth (and during the car trip!), and I thought it would be something neat to a costume in-progress right there at my booth 🙂

I’ll update this post as I can with any new or updated info!