what a weird weekend

On Friday, I got a new dishwasher
I had a major panic attack at the dr, didn’t get to have my checkup, got sent away in a wheelchair with a prescription for xanax

On Saturday, I had to buy two new tires for the Fit
I celebrated not one but TWO 65th wedding anniversaries
Went to a Harry Potter party

On Sunday, I got a new laptop!
I had a migraine and took 2 naps because of it
played photographer for Chase
hung around the 3rd floor attic of a century old church watching a girl covered in blood crawl under a bed
messed up my Tightrope walker skirt

So let’s start with Friday. I only worked half a day, got home just before the installer, and he got our new dishwasher in no problem. YAY! It’s so quiet too…

Now we just need a new stove to match. Our fridge, microwave and now dishwasher are all the same brand. Our ugly 20 year old stove needs an update.

Then I headed off to my dr appt. It was not good. Let’s just leave it at the fact I had a panic attack, my dr was very kind and told me she didn’t want to put me through the actual appt when I was like that, gave me an RX for xanax and sent me home to rest. Wouldn’t let me walk out – made me leave in a wheelchair and didn’t want me driving.

Thankfully Kristie was out and about and was able to come over and get me. She drove me around to my car in the parking lot and we sat for a bit, but once I was out of the dr’s office, I was fine, and since I HAD to have my car the next morning, I went ahead and drove home. Chase got home right after me, having already jumped in his car to come to my dr to get me, and then we went and got my RX filled and had sushi for dinner (which I’d been craving for weeks).

So enough of that drama for now.

Saturday, had to get up super early to get my car over to the shop — wanted to be first in line. We were hoping it just needed an alignment but 2 new front tires AND an alignment was needed, they are getting the tires in today so I’ll pick it up this afternoon.

Then we headed to my parent’s house for a big celebration. It was my Mema and Daddy Bob’s 65th wedding anniversary! AND, it was Ash’s grandparent’s 65th wedding anniversary too! So we had one big party for both of them.

(Kristie is mean-mugging in the back there)

Opening their cards…

Chase and Dad closed down the party.

Then after a nap and a quick dinner, I got into Hermione once again for another midnight book release.

I decided to wear Kevin’s Harry sweater and robe instead of my old Hermione set — my Hermione sweater is heavier, plus it has a hole developing in the front. 🙁 Hoping to maybe fix it, but Kevin’s lighter-weight sweater was better for a summer night in Memphis.

Since half of our group hadn’t eaten dinner, we got a table in the bistro and enjoyed their drink menu – Cath, Ash and I got the Hermione, which was champagne mixed with blood orange pomegranate or something or another.

I was the only one of our group who wasn’t getting the book that night LOL Chase preordered it for me on amazon, so I was just there for the party.

I missed part of the costume contest but did see where this great Luna and great Dumbledore won prizes:

Then I had to get a pic with that Dumbledore because he’s my fav character and holy crap he made a great dumbledore!

My hair was huge at the beginning of the night but slowly deflated.

Goal for next year – new robes for everybody.

Sunday, I had planned to spend all day painting flowers on my skirt. But that fell through. I woke up with a migraine. We went out for breakfast, got back home and I collapsed on the couch and slept for 2 hours. While I was doing that, Chase and Kristie were off picking me out a BRAND NEW LAPTOP HOORAY!

My old one has had problems since day one (the trackpad never liked photoshop and would crash all the time. There was no way around this except to dig out my wacom tablet, plug it in, and click “close” on the error. Without my tablet, the keys, trackpad, everything stopped working and I’d have to just shut my computer down and restart.) In the past year it’s started having a lot of disc errors and the hinges broke — I’ve had the monitor just clamped together for about 2 months and haven’t been able to close it. I haven’t moved any files over or anything yet, that’s tonight’s plan.

Then I headed out to help Chase with some filming he needed to do for his documentary, then I tagged along to a quick photoshoot he did for a play (“Cuddles” – about a teenage vampire locked up in an attic). They did the photoshoot in the 3rd floor attic of a nearly 100 year old church in midtown, and it was really cool to get to see that part of the building.

Then home and another nap because my medicine was wearing off. After dinner I FINALLY got to tackle painting my skirt.

I knew this project was going too easy and I would screw it up somewhere. I measured fifteen times to get the size of the flower stencil right. I placed the first one carefully. I double checked I hadn’t switched the colours. Double checked that I was doing even rows and not staggered. First one was nice.

Eyeballed the space in between and placed the second one…

Nice. Repeated the space in between for the third one and then… realized I had done a row of 3 instead of 4. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh.

I corrected for the next line.

Extremely frustrating. Thankfully that particular panel is one of the two smaller ones in the dress, and in the back (I started in the back just in case of a screw up — but I figured a screw up would be dripped paint or something), so I could run go get another yd of material and replace it if I wanted. But I may not. I’m going to make up my mind once I’ve worked my way around the dress. I may do the other back panel as 3 to make it match and leave it as that. We’ll see.

But, they do look nice, so there’s that at least.