The Zombie Apocalypse

This morning I was awakened by a loud thunderstorm. Lots of wind, thunder, rain. I love cuddling back up into bed with storm going on, so I was happy. But the weird thing was, just last night I had checked the weather app to look at this week’s weather to see if there was any rain in the forecast – and I swear it said 0% chance all week, including today. So that was weird. I wondered if maybe I’d slipped into an alternate dimension.

As I’m getting ready to leave the house, I heard a weird howling noise. Like a monster howl from a video game – probably a truck’s brakes or a siren somewhere on the main road. But I thought, well, maybe it wasn’t an alternate dimension, it’s the zombie apocalypse.

I walk outside and standing on the sidewalk in the rain is a guy in a full protective suit and a wand-looking thing, looking like one of the CDA guys from Monsters Inc. It startled me because just 5 seconds before I’d had the thought about the zombie apocalypse.

Turns out he was just a city maintenance guy wearing a full rainsuit and checking the manhole covers, but still! This morning was weird.