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Monday I focused on getting the bottom half of the dress patterned out. Chase printed it for me Tuesday — but we had to go help with moving some stuff at my grandma’s that night, so by the time we got home i was too tired to do anything with it.

So yesterday I got my quasi-light table set up again and got the pattern transferred over:

Got the design for the lower half transferred over.Getting started on my Donna Unicorn & the Wasp dress again - I started it in 2014, put in hold, and decided to start all over again this year.

It’s not perfect; some of my sizing is off. In most cases I made elements smaller so the whole design wouldn’t go over the sides. BUT — it will do, I’m pretty happy with it.

Last night I buckled down and got about half of the machine sewing done over the top of it – didn’t take a picture. I went for as long as I could, about an hour and a half, before my wrist was aching so much from turning the fabric through the machine I had to stop. Hopefully I can get the rest done tonight so it can go to Mema’s with me finished and ready for beading.

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Did some more of the machine stitching while I was home on lunch, so I took a pic.

Nearly done getting the design for the lower half stitched in place.Getting started on my Donna Unicorn & the Wasp dress again - I started it in 2014, put in hold, and decided to start all over again this year.

I’ve kept saying that I am not doing it around the back — but I managed to get the bulk of the design onto the front piece. So that really doesn’t leave a lot “on the back.” I still have the cape piece to do either way, but I’m glad I won’t really be skipping much but not extended any of the beading past the side seam lines.