A few decisions

So, with all of the craziness of this week (I had to go pick jury duty dates yesterday morning. SO LOVELY after having my grandfather’s funeral the day before. F jury duty.) I ended up making some decisions about my projects for this summer.

I’m pretty sure both of the big projects are out the door. The Georgian dress is still on the edges of my mind, and if my blue/black houppelande doesn’t work out, I may go back to that. So… currently…

1. Janet Snakehole – this is pretty much done. Hooray!
2. Captain Marvel – I wanted to do it a while back and now I’m finally gonna do it!! I literally just stopped in the middle of the post and went and bought all my fabric LOL I got my work bonus check this week so that bonus check = Captain Marvel.
3. Star Wars costume – I also just bought the bulk of my fabric for this project, too.
4. Blue/Black Houppelande – like I said, if I don’t get to this I may switch back to the pink Georgian. I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around even picking fabrics for this right now.
5. Donna Unicorn & Wasp – it’s back on! I figured, I have all the stuff for this I bought last year – I should focus on trying to finish it this year instead of ignoring it. I did discover a serpentine stitch on the Elizabeth that will work for a lot of it – so I’m not going to embroider the whole thing like the original plan. Maybe not as nice as it could have been, but it may mean the difference between doing it and not. I’ve got some pics below.

I think that’s a pretty well rounded list.

So I pulled my Donna stuff out again earlier this week, and I had enough of the black fabric to recut the dress pieces so I can start afresh. Unfortunately I think it’s going to be a little too small through the hips – I should have measured, d’oh – so I think what I’m going to do is to do a small inset of black spandex on both side seams. That should help me take it on and off without having to do a zip, and make it fit nicely, too.

I drew up the upper front design and printed it out, then made a make-shift lighttable to transfer it to my dress. I used a gold paint pen:

Our coffee table, a stack of books and big flat flashlight make a decent light table. Getting started on my Donna Unicorn & the Wasp dress again - I started it in 2014, put in hold, and decided to start all over again this year.This time I drew the designs out on my computer first, printed them, got them sized right and used that as a guide to draw the designs on, instead of freehanding it like last year.

The drawn on guide lines ended up being a little messier than I intended (story of my life) so I’m hoping that between the machine stitching – some hand embroidery – and the hand beading, it’s not too visible.

Here’s my first go at doing some of the stitching on the machine:

Testing out a serpentine stitch as the base of the design.Getting started on my Donna Unicorn & the Wasp dress again - I started it in 2014, put in hold, and decided to start all over again this year.

I’m still experimenting with the lengths a bit, and learning where to turn and where to join — but I think it’s going to work well enough.

And back to the white elf dress! It’s not much of a picture, but I started sewing my horns into place.

Having trouble getting them even, though. I may have to sew them to a ribbon first, then sew that down to the wig cap.