Dress stuff

I had enough chiffon for the whole Aelsa dress!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHH Thank goodness.

First off I have to say, I think this is the sloppiest thing I’ve made in years. It did not help that I didn’t have enough fabric and had to kinda piece the whole under-dress together, and then I think lining it in a very stretchy thin fabric when my bodice isn’t stretchy didn’t help – the lining doesn’t fit right at all and is gross and shoddy looking on the inside LOL And my zipper is kinda going at an angle.

This is what happens when you haven’t sewn in months. I should have done a warm-up project first, lol.

But! It is wearable. Hooray! I got the collar top-stitched and I got the sleeves figured out, and at first I didn’t think I had enough fabric. I was bummed! But then I slept on it, rethought it, looked at my references again and figured it out.

Playing around with sleeve ideas. I only have a bit of fabric left to do these, so trying to figure out what will work.

They’re just pinned on there to see if it was going to work, last night I got the interior edge finished, pleats done, and pinned into the armholes.

Now I have to figure out how I want to finish the edges of all the chiffon. Do I want to cauterize? Do I want to just do as tiny a hem as I can manage? Do I want to buy a rolled hem foot for the Elizabeth? This is an artwork based costume so I’m free to do whatever I want — I want it to be floaty and wild looking which is why I lean towards the cauterization.

I got my bonus from work this month and it’s enough to get the rest of my supplies, too! I need a LOT of wig. So going to get that deposited this week so I can get all that ordered…